
The terrifying new drug set to hit Schoolies week.

Police are warning schoolies about a terrifying new drug in circulation on the Gold Coast.

Known as the “zombie drug”, flakka is highly addictive, highly dangerous synthetic substance known to cause paranoia, aggression and extreme hallucinations. It comes in the form of white or pink crystals, and can be swallowed smoked, snorted, injected, or vaporised.

Said to be 10 times more powerful than cocaine and a fraction of the cost (as little as $15 a hit), flakka is closely related to the drug bath salts, which infamously caused a US user to attack a homeless man and eat the flesh from his face.

Just this week, a 19-year-old believed to be under the influence of flakka carried out a similar cannibalistic attack on a married couple in Florida.

According to The Australian, authorities are so concerned about the drug that Schoolies briefings will be updated to warn revellers about its effects before they head to the Gold Coast from November 19.

Meanwhile, Queensland police have joined forces with the Crime and Corruption Commission in an effort to identify where the substance is coming from in an effort to stamp it out before it takes hold of the market.

To do so, the CCC will put its secret star chamber hearings into use in coming days –  this gives the commission extended powers to compel people to give evidence and jail them for contempt should they fail to cooperate.

“This is a very unusual step for us,” executive director of crime Kathleen Florian told media yesterday.

“We do conduct these sorts of hearings on a regular basis, but we very rarely go overt with it or tell people about it.”

“We want to send a clear message to those engaged in supplying and trafficking this commodity — we will identify you and you will be subject to serious charges, particularly if you cause harm to anyone.”

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