
'You look tired' and other phrases you don't want to hear.

It’s funny how even the most well-meaning comments can leave you feeling like crap. Like when someone tells you ‘you look tired’ or ‘you look amazing, have you lost weight?’

For all the single ladies, it’s “Don’t worry, you’ll find someone” – often accompanied by a condescending pat on the arm. Or when some stranger or co-worker urges you to “Smile!” when you really DO NOT WANT TO. And don’t get us started on “Turn that frown upside down!”

We stumbled upon this list of infuriating phrases from at The Daily Mail and it made us nod vigorously. They’re the words and questions that are so often passive aggressive. Or are we just tired?


1. You look tired.

While there’s something faintly sexy about saying this to a man — it connotes crumpled shirts, hand-raked hair and a world-weariness beloved of cinematic heroes — in women it just spells, ‘you look pasty and old’. End of.

2. They’re not babies for long!

Served up when you’re knee-deep in children, this infuriating, one-size-fits-all response is lobbed back at any complaints you may make about your offspring’s trying behaviour. Often said by an indulgent relative. As if them writing their name in your new Chanel lipstick on the bathroom mirror should be a memory to treasure.

3. Relax!

Of all the patronising, ego-crushing, useless pieces of junk commentary that blight the English language, this one takes the digestive. As if it will make you think: ‘You know what, I think I will relax. I’ll forget that the boss has just dumped on me from a great height and will go and have a private moment with a yoga mat and a mug of chamomile.’

4. Is it your hormones?

The ultimate male cop-out. When faced with a female in a high-octane situation or when they’re unable to grasp that women do have legitimate reasons to be upset, men take refuge in this trusty standby. It screams: ‘You women are a boiling bag of chemicals that make you go cuckoo at least once a month if not more frequently.’

Click here for the full list and 8 more infuriating phrases….

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Top Comments

CM 11 years ago

As a young(er) single lady a few years ago, I would CONSTANTLY be asked "So why don't you have a boyfriend?" or "Why are you single?" - usually in the context of "You seem attractive and smart and nice, so why aren't you with someone?" Oh. My. GOD! AAAARGH!!!!! If you want to infuriate me at record speed, congratulations, you've succeeded.

Guess what - asking someone to validate their life choices, particularly when they are at an age where they are still trying to work things out themselves, IS INCREDIBLY RUDE!
And 9 times out of 10 this question would come from people I barely knew!

What ever happened to minding your own business?

Kath 12 years ago

I got the "Gosh you look tired" just after I had my 2nd baby. My reply was "Well no shit!!! I have 2 babies under 14 months. Of course I'M EFFING tired!!! If you have nothing nice to say to me, don't speak to me at all!!!"
It pretty much shut them up!