
WTF are the kids trying to tell you? Let us explain.

Here’s the thing. As we age, we’re torn between not really giving AF what the young kids are up to and wanting to stay relevant.

And if that last sentence didn’t make complete sense to you, this is definitely the place to be. Because in the same way we made up words in “our day” to communicate, kids today (due to both technology and laziness) are creating acronyms so their poor precious fingers don’t get tired with all that texting.

They’re abbreviating, and often, and it can look to you and I like a completely different language.


If you, like me, have been a little too fearful to ask WTF STFU means, here's our handy guide.

We're not saying you have to use them but they are very handy to have in your arsenal should the come time to either decipher or retaliate MUM-style.

(And please excuse the swear words. You know, those crazy kids!)

IDK = I don't know



NSFW = Not safe for work.

For example THIS kind of picture might not be safe to open at work (if they were humans. Work with us here, we don't want to get you fired).

WTF = What the fuck?



LOL = Laugh out loud



GTFO = Get the fuck out

TMI = Too much information


BAE = Before anyone else (was in your life)


BRB = Be right back


IDGAF = I don't give a fuck 

ICYMI = In case you missed it

FFS = For fuck's sake


IKR = I know, right?

OMG = Oh my god!


ALL G = (It's) all good

TBH = To be honest

LMFAO = Laugh my fucking arse off


AF - As fuck

(Example: The text below is funny AF)

STFU = Shut the fuck up


And then there's this one, which I really hope catches on:



Your mission is to now send an acronym in an everyday text conversation to your younger relative and brace yourself for their reaction.

Let us know how it goes in the comments. 

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