real life

Meet the women who think it's 'not feminine' to eat in front of men.


Another day, another impossible standard that women are expected to follow in order to be considered an acceptable level of lady.

This time, it’s to do with eating in front of men. Apparently we aren’t allowed to do that now. It’s not feminine. Or something.

An article in The Daily Mail today saw three women admit that they don’t like to eat in front of their husbands, because they think it’s ‘unappealing’.

Here’s some of what they had to say:

“I want my husband always to find me attractive. And munching away in front of him is the last thing he needs to see.”

Then there’s this:

“At the weekends, when we do eat together as a family, I will only eat a small portion – half a chicken breast and a few vegetables – so I still look elegant and self-controlled.”

And this:

“I ordered a panna cotta for dessert but ate just two small mouthfuls before declaring that although it was delicious, I was full. To me, that portrayed femininity. I behave in exactly the same way in front of my friends and so do they. I can’t remember the last time one of them ordered something masculine such as pie or chips.”


So… Really? REALLY? Just to eat in front of a man is considered a no-go zone now? Has the worth of women become so inextricably linked to their size that even the act of eating in front of somebody is now considered a failure of femininity?

How ridiculous. Sad, and ridiculous.

And this is all we can say about it really:





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Top Comments

Angel 10 years ago

I'm surprised we don't get killed off after we give birth!

Lisa Fox 10 years ago

Whilst I understand everyone is entitled to their opinions and views, this one to me seems a bit outdated. Last time I checked food was just food... it wasn't gender specific? Being a 'lady' is not determined by making your portion size smaller or choosing 'chicken breast with vegetables' over something else. Being a lady means having a vagina. Just like being a man means having a penis, the end. Now bring me some ice cream and chocolate - I've gotta get my nomnom-ON!