
Why women watch more lesbian porn than men do.

Interesting. Verrrrry interesting.

A recent study has shown that straight women are more likely to watch girl-on-girl pornography than men.

A bulging 132% more likely.

In fact, ‘lesbian porn’ is by far the most searched term by women, according to (very reputable impartial research maker) Pornhub. Though the study doesn’t differentiate whether the lady searching is straight, same-sex or bisexual, the numbers are so high that the result is clear enough.

So, are the straight women watching lesbian porn harbouring secret lesbian tendencies? Probably not.


There are various reasons as to why women are more turned on by lesbian sex than they are by heterosexual sex, when it comes to pornography. Here is the top five:

Takes a vagina to know a vagina.

We’re not saying that men don’t know what they are doing, but lady bits are complicated. There is definitely a bit of logic in assuming that a woman might know what feels good for another woman, and thus is the basis of girl-on-girl porn.

“In lesbian porn, there really is a focus on oral sex and clitoral stimulation as the main event”, says sex therapist Megan Fleming, Ph.D, in Women’s Health.

Women are treated as equals.

In regular heterosexual porn, the female is usually being banged quite assertively by the male. When the subjects are both women, there is an even playing field (so to speak), and the experts/sexperts believe this has a lot to do with why straight women prefer it.

Sex toys.

According to Honestly Naked“Many straight women like to watch porn while masturbating, as it can be stimulating to watch another woman use sex toys when alone as well. Many women feel shameful when using a sex toy such as a vibrator, so watching another woman receive pleasure from it may decrease the shameful feeling.”

Don’t be ashamed, ladies. Buzz away.

More foreplay.

The ladies are alllll about the lead-up. Heterosexual porn often skims over the foreplay to get to the main event, but women know what a woman wants, and lesbian porn is all about the touching, kissing, massage-y, sensual warm-up.

Fantasy life.

Though you may not want to try sex with a women in real life, watching it in pornography helps to explore the idea of it in a “healthy and un-intimidating manner. Watching lesbian porn also allows women to identify with the presumed fantasy that women believe men have of watching two women together,” says Honestly Naked.

So there you have it. If you are a woman who likes watching women with women, you are in good company. We aren’t sure if the acting is any more convincing in lesbian porn than it is in heterosexual porn, but it’s nice to hear there is a sexy respect for women.


Read more:

Watch this guy get caught watching porn in class. Just watch.

Inside the making of porn that women actually enjoy.

Everything you’ve ever wanted to ask an amateur porn star, answered.


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Top Comments

Anon 9 years ago

So none of you ladies would have any issue at all to find that your husband or boyfriend watches mostly gay porn? It would just be other reasons other than him being attracted sexually to men?

Rachael 9 years ago

None at all, if that's what he told me - I watch a lot of lesbian porn, as a straight female - and I would have no issue with my husband watching gay male porn if that's what turned him on... He knows if there's anyone in this world he could actually tell if he WAS gay, is me...