
A woman with two vaginas and two wombs shares her incredible birth story.

When Faye Wilkins was a teenager, she was diagnosed with an incredibly rare condition called uterus didelphys (UD).

It meant that Wilkins was born with two different sets of reproductive organs: Two vaginas, two wombs, two cervixes.

Amazingly, it would eventually allow the 31-year-old to give birth to her children via two separate wombs.

“At the age of 14 I couldn’t believe it when doctors told me I was born with two vaginas, two cervixes and two wombs,” she said.

“I was in complete shock as I’d never noticed the condition before as the differences were only internal.”

Remarkably, it wasn’t until Wilkins started experiencing severe pain around the time of her period that she consulted doctors who made the rare discovery.

“As the pain got worse, my mum took me to the doctors thinking I had an ovarian cyst because a lump had formed, but no one would scan me,” she said.

Only eight months later, her uterus had ruptured.

“I heard a huge pop and knew something inside me had exploded,” Ms Wilkins explains.

“I was in agony, there was so much blood and I rushed to the hospital where doctors examined me and finally diagnosed me with UD.”

At such a young age, Wilkins was told her chances of falling pregnant and being able to carry the baby full time were minimal. However, after a six tragic miscarriages, she went on to have two children – one in each womb.

Watch: A tribute to the babies we have lost. Post continues after video.

“I was warned after my diagnosis that it would be difficult to conceive due to reproductive organs being half the size they should be, making implantation harder,” Wilkins explained.

Today, Wilkins has her two children, Molly, 7, and George who is 2 and relishes her time with her two healthy children.

“I have my two little miracles now and I’m just so pleased that they were born healthy,” she said.

It’s Wilkins’ desire to raise awareness of the issue and stress to others that the condition does not, and will not, make her any less of a woman.

“I want to raise awareness as many medical professionals are unaware of the condition and every time I go for a smear, it always amazes me how little people know, and how many weird questions I get asked.”

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