
The Internet has some ideas for you about how to cure a cough.


Cough. Cough-cough. Cough.

Ah, the joys of winter.

Along with the beautiful frosty mornings, cozy doona-covered evenings and excellent fashion opportunities, comes something far less enjoyable and far more mucous-filled.

The winter ‘bug.’

Coughs and colds spread like wildfire, and as our very own Mia Freedman  knows only too well, if it’s not an infection, your GP is probably unlikely to prescribe antibiotics. It can be hard to find any affective solutions.

Mia posted on her Facebook on Sunday:

Child with uncontrollable dry, hacking cough. Been to dr. No infection. Cough just won’t stop. ????????????????????Hit me with remedies, friends.

Posted by Mia Freedman online on Saturday, 18 July 2015

So what do you do? It’s miserable for you, it’s miserable for your kids, and it sure is miserable for any one else in the house who has to stay up listening to the dulcet tones of someone doing their very best to cough up a lung.

Mia asked for your solutions and boy, did you all deliver.

Brought to you by Mamamia’s readers and fans, here are just a few useful home remedies to beat the dreaded winter cough:

1. Honey, honey, honey. 

One Facebook friend suggested “manuka honey, lemon and hot water. Or just a spoonful of manuka honey to coat the throat.” Ginger may also be a nice addition. Anecdotally, Manuka honey is said to have some anti-bacterial properties. And also, sweet, warm honey on a ragged sore throat? It’s got to feel a bit better, right?

2. Vicks.

“Thick layer of VICKS on the feet. use normal adult VICKS not the baby VICKS. make sure u put socks on him. Also a vaporizer in the room works wonders,” advocated several followers.

3. More sweet stuff.

If you or your kids have a sweet tooth, listen up.

“Marshmallows will also line his throat and stop it if it gets sore. Good luck Mia hope your child gets better soon.”

Another follower suggested sucking on butterscotch lollies. “[It] can really help as they coat the throat and stop the tickle so you cough less.”

4. Prop ’em up. 

Cold air can sometimes worsen coughing. So as one reader suggested, you might want to “keep room warm and elevate the mattress whilst sleeping or sleep slightly upright.”

5. Salt.

No doubt you’ve been told by your mother or your grandmother, but several readers are also in agreement.

Gargling salt water can soothe a sore throat and help reduce coughing.

6. Steam it up.

“Humidifier is hands down the best treatment!” says one follower.

Humidity can help break up the mucous with dry, chesty coughs.


And finally…”Check into a hotel. You won’t hear the cough.”

… Just kidding. But seriously.

But hey, we’re not doctors. Obviously, if you or any of your loved ones are unwell you should seek help from a medical professional.

We all have family secrets and home remedies for this sort of things. What’s yours?

For more on health and well-being, take a look at these posts:

7 thoughts every sleep-deprived mum has had.

How to cure a cold in 24 hours.

7 foods to help keep colds away.

Yes, you CAN get healthier without becoming a ‘clean-eating’ junkie in the process.

The simple, realistic change that could make a huge difference to your health.



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