
Five women share their favourite movie of all time and why you need to watch it.

One sad Saturday night many years ago, I sat down to watch a movie.

It was Jack and Jill. And to date, it was one of the worst experiences of my life.

I hope for your sake you’ve never heard of Jack and Jill and you think I’m referring to the somewhat pleasant nursery rhyme. But I’m not. I’m talking about the ‘comedy’ (that’s how it’s officially classified, I’d beg to differ) starring Adam Sandler in not just one role (which is more than enough) but TWO. And one of them is as a woman. Because if there’s one thing women in Hollywood need, it’s to be played by Adam Sandler. 

The tagline, which I’m sure took a room of producers weeks to come up with, is “His twin sister is coming for the holidays… and it ain’t pretty.”


Jack and Jill is widely considered one of the worst films ever created, which sounds like a big call, until you've actually sat through it.

Rotten Tomatoes has awarded it a total of 3/100.

It was while I was watching this movie - very much confronted with what can only be described as a traumatic mess - that I decided I'd had ENOUGH with crap.

If I'm going to sit down and dedicate an hour and a half to something, it damn well better be good.

So in the name of not wasting anyone's time, I asked five women to sell me their favourite movie. It was sort of like Shark Tank, except no one won and I offered them nothing in return for their pitch.

On Mamamia Out Loud,  we discuss whether PG is an appropriate rating for 'Me Before You'. Post continues below. 

Here's mine:

Jessie: Spotlight (2015)

There are two movies I've walked out of in my life and said, "That's the best movie I've ever seen."

The first was Shutter Island, but in 2015, Spotlight took the lead.

Spotlight is a crime drama film, and follows The Boston Globe's investigative 'Spotlight' team, whose work uncovered widespread and systemic child abuse in Boston, which had been concealed by the Roman Catholic Church. It stars Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton and Rachel McAdams and in 2015 won the Academy Award for Best Picture.

I was completely engrossed start to finish. The acting is out of this world, and it's a film every single person should watch.

Lucy: The Intouchables (2011) 

The Intouchables is a French comedy-drama film, and in 2011 it became the second largest box office hit in French history.

It centers around an unlikely friendship between a quadriplegic millionaire, Philippe, and his black caretaker, Driss, who was recently released from prison.

I cried and cried throughout the whole movie and couldn't figure out if I was overwhelmed with joy or sadness. It smashed my stereotypes about black and disabled people, and was one of the most powerful films I've ever seen.
Image via The Weinstein Company.

Fatima: While You Were Sleeping (1995)

While You Were Sleeping is the quintessential '90s romantic comedy that not enough people know about. It's got everything from a train accident-induced coma, to a love triangle, a white Christmas, and old-school Sandra Bullock.

Whenever my mum has had a hard day at work, or is feeling down, we chuck it on the telly for the cosiest, cutest movie night in.

Image via Hollywood Pictures.

Barbara: Vertigo (1958)

I watched Vertigo for the first time as part of a Film Studies course at uni, and it captivated me from the first viewing (and every subsequent one afterwards).

It's a film noir psychological thriller, directed by Alfred Hitchcock. It's about a detective who retires due to his fear of heights and subsequent vertigo, which caused the death of another officer and a woman he was hired to follow. He descends into a cycle of madness.

It's an eerie, unsettling movie, but it achieves this in really subtle and simple ways - camera techniques, location, colours, recurring motifs - rather than the fancy CGI technologies a lot of movies rely on today.

It's one of those films you'll end up thinking about for hours, if not DAYS, afterwards.

Image via Universal Pictures.

Lauren: Bridget Jones' Diary (2001)

 I know it's not the most high-brow movie, but I will always love Bridget Jones' Diary. It feeds my soul and still makes me laugh even though I've probably watched it 67,423 times.

Bridget Jones is a romantic comedy starring Renee Zellweger, Colin Firth and Hugh Grant, and it explores the life of a 32-year-old woman who is literally all of us. She's honest, imperfect and self-deprecating, while on this bizarre and unsuccessful journey towards self improvement.

If I'm ever feeling down, I chuck on Bridget Jones and it's the perfect pick-me-up. I couldn't recommend it highly enough.

Aaaand there's your weekend sorted.

If you're still not sold, my advice is to trawl the top 100 movies on Rotten Tomatoes and take your pick. Just... whatever you do, never, ever watch Jack and Jill. 

You can listen to this week's episode of Mamamia Out Loud, here.  

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Top Comments

Aanasi 7 years ago


Keyla 7 years ago

Spotlight is brilliant.