
What were your BEST & WORST bits of the week?

If you’re new to Mamamia or this post, remember that your ‘worsts’ don’t have to be tragic or serious. Trivial is totally fine.

Also, check out theBest & Worst Dressed celebrities of the week here.

WORST: Not having enough time for my girlfriends.

BEST: Walking through the mall yesterday after taking the little kids to music class, I was stopped by a lovely MM reader called Alex who just wanted to tell me that she loves the website and loved my book. This happens from time to time and whenever it does, I’m always relieved not to be caught pulling my undies out of my bottom or shouting at my kids to “STOP ASKING FOR A DOUGHNUT WHEN YOU’VE ALREADY HAD A CUPCAKE AND THIS IS THE LAST TIME I’M GOING TO TELL YOU AND ENOUGH WITH THE WHINGING OR I’M GOING TO LOSE IT.”

Or maybe people do recognise me at those moment and choose – wisely – to tip-toe quietly away in the hope I don’t give them time out and a stern talking-to.

Alex had just been reading the Gabriella Cilmi post on the bus and said she hoped people weren’t going to be too full-on in the comments and that she doesn’t know how I do it. I nearly kissed her because co-incidentally, I happened to be having a conversation in my head at the time along the lines of  “I don’t know how I do it. Not coping. Drowning not waving. Etc.” I introduced Alex to Coco and Remy and tried to encourage her to comment on the website (she said she was to nervous). So if you’re reading this Alex, COME ON. Speak up.

Writing this website is an all-consuming and often very solitary thing so it is a delight to meet readers. You’re such a kind bunch. Good looking too.


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Top Comments

louisville chiropractic 13 years ago

Congratulations,what a lovely post!

WeddingswithGrace 14 years ago

Mia, having 1,129 comments-and counting!-must be a new 'best'? This has to be a record? Yes? Hopefully this is when you get to sit back and serve yourself a big glass of 'I made it!! I really truly have created from nothing a gem of a website and a fantatic online commununity. I rock and my site is an amazing success'....We'll all drink to that.

Bests: Lots of bests, am just loving life right now. Went to the premiere of Accidents Happen-a new Australian film . Without ruining the story, in a car crash the family loses their sister and their brother has brain damage as a result....this happens in the first five mins, so I haven't spolit anything...I was there with my family and because my own brother has brain damage it was just so moving to all be seeing it together. My mum and I were both crying throughout which was to be expected but I was so moved that my very cool 21 year old brother was crying throughout it too.
Best 2#: Boyfriend has just been so lovely all week. Have been marvelling all week that I have won the lottery as far as boyfriends go....It's a lovely feeling to feel so lucky in love. Sorry if this sounds smug...don't mean it to.
More Bests: # I love that Autumn is turning out such beautiful sunny days for us

# Got a bike for my birthday last week and loved taking it for a ride on the weekend-not in a hard core dedicated cyclist way, but rather a wind in my hair riding through the meadows kind of way...a delightful way to get from A t B