
What were your BEST and WORST bits this week?

BEST: Just getting some peace and perspective back in my life
after months and months of intensity. I’ve been looking forward to this
month all year because it was when I knew things would be settling down
and all my big projects would be finished and I’d have time to take a
breath. I’ve taken many breaths this week. I’ve even been to the beach
for a swim. Now I just need to resist that pesky habit I have for
jumping into something new to get my fix of excitement and (yes)

Oh, and I started drinking coffee again after 13 years. That’s been pretty
damn fine.

WORST: There have been some horrific stories in the news this week, one of which involved a family I didn’t know personally but who were well known to friends. My heart breaks for everyone affected by sadness and tragedy and I am sending my love and best wishes to all those inside and outside the MM community who are desperately looking for the silver lining on some very dark and menacing clouds.

PS – for some light relief, check out a new Friday regular Frockwatch: BEST and WORST DRESSED of the week here

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