real life

What to say when your friend gets engaged to a total arse-hat.


We’ve all been there.

Your friend starts dating a total arse-hat. You’re concerned but don’t want to cause unnecessary hurt feelings… so you say nothing. Then all of a sudden he’s at all your dinner parties, sitting next to you at mutual friend’s weddings, he drops round in the middle of girls’ night and is borrowing your husband’s golf clubs.

And POOF. They’re engaged.

Here is a handy guide to how you should react to TERRIBLE engagement news, without (a) lying or (b) reacting honestly.

Top Comments

Mel 11 years ago

If your friends' boyfriend/girlfriend treats them well and your friend is happy with them then it is no-one else's business.

Embarrassingly it took me a while to clue onto the fact that while I may not think much of a couple of my friend's boyfriends it really doesn't matter because I'm not the one dating them!

Also, in the cases where people really are dating dud people, they usually realise before too long. One just has to let the relationship run its course and trust that your friends are smart enough to jump ship before they have kids with the person.

Anon 11 years ago

Yeah, it's hilarious when one of your mates gets engaged not knowing that everyone of his mates has done her.

Of course, blokes are different, we'd just tell him the truth and not be manipulative cows.