
What will I do with my frozen babies?

For women who have trouble conceiving, the push to have a baby can be all-consuming and so, so difficult

The IVF journey is one of pain, heartache, hope, loss and frustration. The bundle of joy that comes when it’s successful is indescribable. There’s a thrill in holding a new life, of becoming a parent, of falling in love and of settling into the life always dreamed of and desired.

But what then? On this week’s Debrief Daily podcast Just Between Us, we explore what often comes next.

Advertising guru and strategist Dee Madigan, and Nicky Lavigne (a lifestyle coach who eats sugar and blogs about IVF) talk about their very different views of their frozen babies. They both face different dilemmas about the embryos they have on ice that could become children.

Nicky Lavigne thought her window was closing. At 40 she found herself divorced and childless, but she was certain that she wanted to be a mother. ‘Me being single and over 40 – there was no way that I could adopt.’ So she used an egg donor and donor sperm to fall pregnant at 45.

But now she has three embryos left.


‘The clinic I went to is in Greece – and they have totally different laws to Australia – in Australia if you use either of the donors they have to be known – the children can make contact with them. The rest of the world you don’t have to. I have three embryos left. They are on ice for five years, and I have two years left. So I can donate them, use them or discard them.’

So what will she do? She’s not sure – yet she feels responsible for them….




Listen here on iTunes and below on Soundcloud to hear what they are doing with their potential offspring, and take and your opportunity to download a free audio book from our new sponsor.

Their thoughts, feelings and actions will make you think and question what makes a parent, generosity, love and the age old debate about nature verses nurture.


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