
Why do doctors tell women to drink less than men?





We’ve heard it ever since we turned 18 – “ladies”, you can have one glass of wine, “lads”, you can have two.

But, why?

But wine is so good.

It doesn’t seem fair that us females can only enjoy half the booze of our male counterparts.

It doesn’t seem fair, but unfortunately, according to this video, it’s true. They’re citing proof.

Two American doctors, Brian Palmer and Dallas Jensen have made this clip to show why ‘moderation’ is different for men and women.

But, before you watch this (yes, American) video, you need warning about two things:

If you’re planning on having more than one drink tomorrow night, you might want to save watching this until Thursday.

And secondly, there’s a terribly racist dig at Australia towards the end.

Drinkers? Us? Are you serious?


When ran this video this week, they made the note: Correction, Dec. 29, 2014: This video mispronounces cirrhosis as psoriasis. The error remains in the video.

Do you abide by ‘moderate’ drinking guidelines?


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Top Comments

Bron Perna 9 years ago

A very important thing to remember too, is that the liver processes about 1 standard drink of alcohol per hour, so be aware if you are driving home after a party, also it is very possible for a person to still be over the limit in the morning after a big night, especially one which usually goes on until some time after midnight, even if you 'feel ok'. Plan ahead to stay somewhere and not need to drive first thing in the morning, tiredness is bad enough, but tiredness + alcohol still in your system can be fatal for you, or someone else.

Karen Cass 9 years ago

All the advice about how many drinks and how long they take to clear is very reassuring to the people who make posters but it's one of those cases where 'population averaging' stats aren't much help to individuals.

I saw a program (just illustrative of a point) where they took 10 men and 10 women and gave them each the recommended number of standard drinks of their choice and did both breathaliser and blood alcohols regularly over a six hour period. Some folks taking the recommended number of drinks were way over the limit. Some showed barely a blip. Many cleared their 'recommended' doses very slowly and blah, blah, blah. You can see where this goes. All the guidance is 'best they can do' but beware that you can obey all the rules and get caught out by the RBT on the way home. Happy Party Season

Aamon Stephen Glam 9 years ago

Men are not only larger but have more muscle mass, ergo, faster metabolic processing of alcohol.

Karen Cass 9 years ago

Alcohol is 'distributed' in the water compartment of your body so, for any given weight (say 70kg) a man will have a larger proportion of that for the alcohol to 'dilute' in (muscle, innards etc), whereas the 70kg woman is likely (unless she's an unusual build or a super lean athlete) to have greater proportion of that as fat and the alcohol gets diluted in less water based tissue so the concentration is higher and has much greater functional and health effects for that reason. The 'metabolic rate' of muscle doesn't have a lot of effect on the detox/excrete rate of alcohol. Sorry for gibbering on, I hope that makes sense (too much egg nog)

Aamon Stephen Glam 9 years ago
