
This week, there was one insult every smart woman was happy to own.

Nasty women get it done. Nasty women express their power. Nasty women put ignorant men like Donald Trump in their place.  Nasty women are tough. Nasty women are smart. Nasty women vote.

When Trump interrupted Hillary Clinton, uttering the words “Such a nasty woman,” at the final US Presidential Debate, he banged the nail in his own coffin. Across the internet and the world, ‘nasty’ women everywhere have co-opted the highly gendered slogan as their new catch-cry of empowerment.

This week on Mamamia Out Loud, we discuss how ‘nasty woman’ became our war-cry. Post continues below.  

When you go to nastywomengetshitdone.com it redirects you to Hillary Clinton’s website. Within hours of the comment, the internet was flooded with merchandise including t-shirts, badges and even cross-stitches, paying tribute to nasty women everywhere. And for the past week, Janet Jackson’s throwback tune Nasty has being playing on repeat.

We want to be nasty women. And we want a nasty woman to run the world. So here’s to all the nasty women… Want to be one?

Are you offended by the word ‘nasty’?

Listen to the full episode of Mamamia Out Loud below, and subscribe in iTunes

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Top Comments

BaSH PR0MPT 7 years ago

*Comment redacted by user, censorship is lame.*

Guest 25 7 years ago

I would much rather wait for Michelle Obama to run for the Presidency.
The first female President should have passion and dignity.
Hillary Clinton is not fit to told the office.
The first woman President should be someone all woman can be proud of and aspire to.

Kristy 7 years ago

Well the alternative is The Trump...

N. 7 years ago

Don't you think it's problematic to say a woman shouldn't be able to hold office unless it's an idealised type of woman? There have been plenty of flawed men in the presidency. When it comes down to a choice between someone measured, experienced and intelligent versus the atrocious behaviour of Trump, I don't see how we can say Trump is a better choice simply because Clinton falls a little short of an idealised vision of the first female president.

Guest 25 7 years ago

Ms Clinton doesn't fall a little short, she is completely corrupt.
So no, I don"t think my comment is problematic.

Guest 7 years ago

She's being investigated by the FBI. I would say that is what's problematic.