
This is What Happened when an Australian Journalist got on Rihanna's Plane

What happens when Rihanna and 150 journalists get on a plane? Streaking apparently!

Rihanna, who is on her 777 tour, invited journalists to join her for seven days from Berlin to London. But the starlet, who had little to do with the passengers, was in for a rude awakening.

Having been on a long flight with no access to the Diamonds singer,  the journalists became tired and restless. That was however until Australian Tim Dormer, host of Channel 10’s The Hit List, decided to spice things up by streaking through the plane, hoping to rouse Rihanna from her first class cabin.

"I was just in the bathroom and was like, 'Hell it's 3am and we're on an airplane and have been flying for ages," he told Yahoo.

"Plus I have a massive crush on Sydney, one of the air hostesses."

The video became an instant Internet sensation, and other journalists who were on the plane tweeted:

"Crowd chanted 'Just one quote!,' 'I need a headline!' and 'Occupy 777' while Aussie journo stripped naked and ran around the plane," journalist Jason Newman Tweeted

Journalist Mary H.K. Choi added: "The Australian with the harmonica STREAKED the plane as the press corp chanted. #RIHANNAPLANE #WHEREHAVEYOUBEENALLTHISFLIGHT,"she Tweeted.


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