
'A back, sack and crack wax': 12 of the wildest wedding gifts couples are asking for now.

Attended a wedding recently? Or gotten married yourself? We can guess what was on the menu when it came to gifts for the newlyweds: money.

But we’re not talking cold, hard cash. Rather, warm, fuzzy contributions to the couple’s future.

You’re probably not surprised, this isn’t a new phenomenon. And it makes sense - a financial contribution to put towards things or experiences that are genuinely wanted means less waste in the world, is convenient for everyone involved and takes the gifting pressure down. In fact, for many cultures it’s been the norm for generations.

However, what is new is the way that couples are spending those funds post-pandemic. And alongside this, there’s an entirely new category of gifting that’s emerging that doesn’t cost wedding guests a cent. Just their time, skills and good will.

To bring you up to speed, let’s first take you back.

Wedding gifting has gone through an evolution over the past few decades. Once upon a time, couples registered for pots, pans and all the domestic trimmings at major department stores. 

But as the average age of marriage crept up, the need for crockery and white goods declined as most couples set themselves up prior to getting hitched.

In response, along came the rise of the "wishing well" - a decorative box or basket designed for guests to deposit a card with cash inside. While still prevalent, this form of wedding gifting is slipping down the popularity pole due to the somewhat transactional nature of the whole exchange.

Watch: We asked women if a wedding wishing well is a yes or no for them. Post continues after video.

Plus, the experience isn’t ideal: for guests, dashing to the ATM 10 mins before the "I do’s" kick off is not fun 100 per cent of the time. 

And for couples, ending your wedding chapter with a fistful of notes is a weird feeling (I can attest to this first-hand. You’re supremely grateful but it feels a little… empty).

So, to recap: we don’t need a new kettle or a 28-piece china set. Asking for cash in an envelope feels awkward and is inconvenient. Where to from here?

Enter, the rise of the digital wedding registry.

In recent years, a cohort of forward-thinking couples have opted to take their wedding gifting online. Whether it’s asking for contributions towards a honeymoon, a first-home deposit or a petrol kitty for a road trip, the beauty of using an online gift registry is that you can communicate what you plan to use those funds for.

And it’s not just cash that couples are asking for.

Last year, Wedshed launched a gifting platform called Gravy that allows people to give and receive *literally* anything - including gifts of human time and good deeds (think: help paint the house or plant a garden.)

Here are 12 of the most personal gifts Wedshed has seen added to wedding registries over the last year.

1. Cook us dinner.

It’s always the simple things in life. Like good food, good conversation and good company. It’s little wonder that we saw plenty of couples add this wholesome gift idea to their wedding registries.

2. Help us humanely process our chickens.

It’s not for everyone, but there’s no denying this present is one that guests would never forget giving. If gifting is all about deepening human connections (which it should be) then donating your time and efforts toward something that reflects the passions and values of someone (e.g. self-sustainable living) is a gold star idea. And plenty of people attending the wedding of this couple thought so too.

3. IVF funds.

You can imagine how many guests contribute towards this gift when it’s added to a registry. To play a small part in facilitating a loved one’s conception journey is an honour, and several couples invited their community to be a part of it. A beautiful, meaningful gift.

4. Register to become an organ donor.

It's a gift that guests can give you that takes less than two minutes and one that can save the lives of 10 or more people. Obviously, while no one is hoping this is a gift that any guests need to "make good" on, it’s a very meaningful gesture that could have the most enormous impact.

5. Give (the husband) a back, sack and crack wax.

Credit to the bride who added this to her wedding registry on behalf of her partner ahead of their honeymoon - and even bigger props to the 12 guests that put their hands up to participate in de-fuzzing Brad.

6. Read this book that changed our lives.

One thoughtful couple shared their favourite read on their wedding registry and invited their friends and family to grab themselves a copy as a gift to them. I even saved the book to my 'to-read' folder as it did indeed sound life-changing.

On the wedding planning train? Listen to Hitched, a 10-week wedding crash course hosted by planning guru, Aleisha McCormack. Post continues after podcast.

7. Donate blood.

Asking guests to give blood on the couple’s behalf is the most-requested gift on Gravy that doesn’t actually cost a cent to give. What an incredible feeling to move ahead in your married lives knowing you’ve genuinely contributed to helping people in a time of need.

8. Puppysit.

You know what's surprisingly expensive? Kennelling. Whether you've got a dog, cat, guinea pig or something more exotic, asking your guests if they wouldn't mind pet-sitting for you on your next trip has immense value, both financially and also in the peace of mind knowing your pet will be lovingly doted on by friends and family.

9. Matching tattoos.

No risk of this gift ending up in landfill. For couples wanting their guests to contribute to something as (hopefully) everlasting as their love, this gift idea proved popular.

10. Front door fund.

One couple had lugged their old front door to their new home. And as a wedding gift, they asked guests to contribute to a custom lead light installation in their door - a cumulus cloud, because their first date was at a restaurant called Cumulus Inc (where they eventually got married).

11. Design us a date night.

How good is this idea? Having your friends and family curate you a fun and clever date night means you get a ready-made set of instructions for a good time.

12. Artwork.

Asking for a contribution to a special piece of art is a brilliant gift idea as you’re left with a tangible reminder of all your most special people every time you look at it. Plus, nothing says #adulting like a framed piece on the wall.

Our prediction? Couples will continue to ask for the classics like romantic weekenders, fancy dinners and other fun indulgences that go hand-in-hand with this period of life. 

But expect to see some deeply meaningful opportunities to get involved in the newlywed’s passions, share in their values and deepen your relationship through wedding gifting moving forward.

Amy Parfett is the co-founder of wedding planning platform Wedshed. Join their 18,000 other members in their Facebook group chat, Wedchat by Wedshed, follow their Instagram, and visit the Wedshed site here.

Feature Image: Supplied/Canva/Mamamia

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