
This girl's holiday photo has gone viral for the most bizarre reason.

A young woman’s holiday photo has gone viral for an unexpected reason.

While there’s nothing particularly earth shattering about four young women posing for a good ol’ selfie on a trip of a lifetime, it’s what’s in the background that’s had us on the verge of light bladder leakage.

So go on, take a closer look at the crowd of regular passersby just going about their day.

Or should we say... passerby, considering they ALL HAVE THE SAME FACE.

Once you see it, there's no going back. And there's only one question on our minds... WHO did this, and although we don't mind, WHY do they have so much time on their hands?

It's the kind of creative genius we wish we were quick and funny enough to execute, but also deeply, deeply concerning.

Lurkers of the internet, if you're going to Photoshop our holiday snaps, we kindly request you use Ryan Gosling's face please and thank you.

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