
Video: My treadmill tried to kill me.

If you ever needed a reminder that treadmills are evil – this might be it.

Someone in the wonderful world of the internet, took the time to put this compilation of treadmill fails together and, well, we couldn’t help but giggle.

No wonder those machines have so many emergency stop buttons…

And while we’re on the subject of treadmills – let’s go from those who can’t to those who can.

We hate to think just how many takes this video required…

How’s your treadmill technique? Have you ever fallen like our friends in the first video? Or are you more likely to be seen mastering the choreographed dance routine in the second?

Tags: video

Top Comments

MsElle 12 years ago

I can't seem to ever see the videos on my iPhone - there is always a line across the triangle and it is greyed out...

Faybian 12 years ago

I ended up wearing milk after our 8 year old sprayed it over us while watching the first video. The full version of the cat video is on you tube. It's hilarious, they don't get hurt either. I just hope the people on on the treadmills on a bike or ball didn't wonder why they'd fallen.