
Vegemite dust is a thing. And we're strangely curious about trying it out.

Turning Australia’s favourite breakfast spread into a high-end seasoning may not be the most obvious food evolution at first glance, but such are the gentrified life and times in which we live.

Posting a how-to video to their Facebook page recently, Vegemite Australia unveiled its newest culinary invention (soon to be known as your go-to hangover snack), Vegemite dust.

And despite around 30 seconds of reservations, the creation ticks many winning boxes.

It requires one ingredient, takes little to no effort on your part, and is sure to leave you feeling like you should apply to Masterchef next year.

We see you up serving those otherwise ordinary poached eggs. Source: Vegemite.

Plus, it's the kind of cupboard item that lends itself to seeing you across the entire food consumption spectrum.

From steering you through those times before pay day when you can't afford to replenish your salt stash, to being pulled out and sprinkled atop a fine piece of salmon nonchalantly at a dinner party, Vegemite dust will be there for you.

Actually you know what, I have no idea if it will or won't be there for you, but it looks really fun to create and who doesn't need more salt in their life!?

According to the video, all you have to do to create this soon to be heralded accompaniment is:

1. Spread some Vegemite onto a square of baking paper and set it aside in a cool, dry place for around three days.

2. Once the spread is dry, remove it from the paper and set it into a blender.

3. A few minutes of blending later and voila, you've got yourself a fancy addition to the dining table.


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