
Open Post: What's going down in your world?


Oh hey there!

In case you haven’t checked your diary this morning, I’m here to tell you that it is indeed Wednesday. And you know what that means? It’s time for the little ritual we like to call the Mamamia Open Post.

If you’ve never clicked on this post before, here’s what you need to know. This is the post that’s all about YOU. And by you, we mean the Mamamia readers. Open Post is the place where you come and tell us what’s on your mind. It doesn’t matter how big or how small your issue is – you might want to talk about something that’s happening in the news, or something that’s happening in life or at work – just leave a comment and tell us what’s happening in your world.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by the University of New England. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.

I’ll start.

There are a few things on my mind this week:

1. Christmas.

Okay, so it’s December next week right? So it’s pretty much Christmas now.  I started playing carols in the office about a week ago. Too early? Or just right?

2. Uni.

I’ve been vaguely thinking about signing up for another course next year. It’s been about three years since I finished my last degree (which was journalism) and, well, I’m wondering whether it’s time to add to my skill set again and read something more substantial than Buzzfeed everyday. Maybe something business-y.

I’m not in any way looking for a career change or job change, but lately I’ve had a few friends go back purely for the purpose of getting extra skills that will be useful in their jobs and that’s something I’m interested in too.

Does anyone have thoughts on studying post-grad?

3. Coffee.

I’m trying to give it up but the longest I’ve gone without so far is 24 hours. HELP.

4. Hunger Games.

The Mamamia team went along to see the second movie this week and we can’t stop talking about it. Just awesome.

Anyway, that’s probably enough from me. Over to you now – what’s happening in your world?

Choosing a university is like choosing a partner. You want someone who shares your goals, understands your challenges and works by your side to overcome them.

UNE has been the leading innovator of flexible study for over 60 years because we’re committed to helping busy adults study from home so they can balance study with their commitments. UNE now offers a new generation of mobility and flexibility in online education that makes a tertiary education and your dreams more achievable than ever. 

Applications are now open to begin study in 2014.


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Top Comments

Hanon 10 years ago


I need an opinion from the perspective of women.

My ex wife called the other day and hassled me about Child support. She wants more.

I provide child support of $1000 per calendar month, and it's $264 more than the assessment done by the child support agency. She feels she needs more to provide for our daughter. My daughter is 13.

I was unemployed for a few months this year and couldn't pay any money, but started again now that I'm working.

My ex wife now wants more money and she wants me to pay for the 3 months that I was unemployed, but she wants it at the full $1000, not the child support agency assessed rate. I told her to stick it where the sun don't shine. We've always had a difficult relationship and she sometimes isn't a nice person. Her nickname for me when we were married was "fuckwit", so it wasn't pleasant.

During the course of our discussion, she lost her temper, and told me that I can't see my daughter unless I pay more money, and then the kicker.

She told me that she wasn't my daughter.

Apart from the emotional problem that now is doing my head in. How do I deal with the entire situation?

Guest 10 years ago

I think you need to get some legal advice but in the meantime I would keep a diary of all phone calls and conversations you have with her. Write down the time / date / what was said etc.

It may also help to talk to other men who are going through divorce / custody issues as well. There are quite a few on facebook. Wishing you all the best.

antipop 10 years ago

Wow, I got a lousy $150 per MONTH! Now I get nothing for years because my ex moved interstate and the CSA are still trying to locate him. (which is absolute crap, if he had committed a crime, the police would easily locate him) ANyway...
If you and your ex can't get along, just pay child support via the CSA. Then she gets what they deem the right amount and you don't have to communicate with her about it.
If she stops you seeing your daughter, keep a diary of these times, and then you can make her go to mediation to sort out custody. Mediation is the first step before Family Court, so it won't look good for her if she is stopping you access to your daughter.

mils 10 years ago

Wow what a cow. Sorry to hear about that. I hate these situations where the child gets used as a weapon.

afw 10 years ago

Get legal advice.

Caz 10 years ago

Coming to the realization that my 5 week old 2nd baby isn't going to be a great sleeper like his older brother..... Oh the sleepless nights i was so spoiled in avoiding first time round....

Bubbling with Happiness 10 years ago

I hope you have some sleep filled nights soon xx