
Prepare for judgement, because Uber for kids is here.


What’s the difference between a parent and an Uber driver?

Breath mints and bottled water. That’s about it.

There comes a time when what children want from their parents is simple – a lift. A lift to sport. Parties. Dance. Fricking coding camp.

Sometimes you’re working, sometimes you are ferrying another kid somewhere, sometimes you just want to have a wine on a Friday night and not have to abstain because of the 9pm taxi shift.

It happens, we’re human.

Which is why three fancy entrepreneurial Aussie women, with eight kids between them, have started an “Uber for kids” business, called Stretch Rides.

Listen to Andrew Daddo and Holly Wainwright talking Uber for kids on This Glorious Mess this week:

The genius of this business idea (whhhyyyyyy didn’t we think of it?) is not only it will make our lives easier and us poorer, but that it will save you from ever having to call that “mum friend” and ask if they can pick up little Tarquin from Mandarin.

Because we all know, even though it takes a village, sometimes you feel like you’re the one in the village doing all of the reeping, and not so much sowing.

But, when Andrew Daddo and I discussed the idea on the This Glorious Mess podcast last week, he had a different concern.

Namely that without the inconvenience of car-pooling, the kids whose parents are using Stretch will make every team in town.

As in, “How about that Simon? He gets to everything. They’ve got a bloody chauffeur, they’re rich as sh*t that family…”

As the wonder child makes it to the top of every tree, us scabbier parents will be trying to bribe young Simon for a lift. "Come on, Simon, throw the driver three bucks to take Adrian, too?"

Seriously, parents, in case you hadn't worked this one out already, when it comes to what you are or aren't doing for your kids, you can't win. So please, take the path of most sanity.

Roll on, Stretch.

Would you use "Uber for kids"?

You can listen to the full episode of This Glorious Mess, here:

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