
Two men and a baby. This gay couple had a baby via a surrogate in India.

Two dads with twins

This story was on 60 Minutes a couple of weeks ago but I didn't see it at the time. If you didn't either, it's well worth watching. A gay couple in Melbourne who wanted to have a baby together, used donated eggs and a surrogate mother to carry their twins. I know another gay couple….

…who have done the same thing (although not in India) and while I will be totally honest and admit that my initial reaction when I first heard about it was "but a baby needs a mother", I quickly challenged myself to think that one through. Why are two men not able to offer the same amount of love and care to a baby as a mother? There are plenty of deadbeat mothers around…having one didn't help those babies. And I've always believed that anyone who goes to great lengths (and in this case also great expense) to have a child is certainly self-selecting in terms of thinking it through and being ready (as ready as you can ever be).

Yes, it certainly raises some confronting questions about the women in India who live in poverty and are renting out their wombs to support their families. There's that. But there's a lot to smile about too. I always find it incredibly moving to watch footage of babies being born and parents holding them for the first time…..this clip was no exception. I hope 60 Minutes revisits them when the babies are one. It would be fascinating!

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Top Comments

Mia 15 years ago

Guys - I've never done this before but I'm closing comments on this post. Ophelia, you are spot on.
I'm appalled at the tangent this has taken and the way some people are speaking about others. I won't tolerate it.
This was NEVER a post about weight or about someone's right to access IVF.
To those who were being antagonistic, argumentative and looking for a fight I suggest a closer read of the comments policy.
You can find it here:
And my apologies to Trevor and Peter if they have been in any way offended. Please know that the vast majority of us wish you and your beautiful girls well.

Ophelia 15 years ago

Am I the only one who feels a little embarrassed and ashamed that the debate is turning into a critique on their WEIGHT as a measure of their ability to parent, while their friends, loved ones and they themselves are watching? Come on, guys. This is going beyond comment inappropriateness. This is bullying behaviour. Would you appreciate it if Mia did an article on your life and everyone dissected why your choices are unhealthy or wrong for whatever reason? Let's. Just. Stop.

Trevor and Pete, if you're still watching - I adore you guys, you are my heroes. I hope my gay bestie is as lucky as you two if he ever decides to have children, and I hope Evelyn and Gaia bring you everything you hope for and more, and vice versa.