
There's an ongoing debate about the size of Trump's genitals. And it was sparked by Cher.

US President Donald Trump is in the news once again. This time, for the size of his, erm… genitals.

The debate began after Trump tweeted yesterday that he’s prepared to bomb North Korea (as you do).

“North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the ‘Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times’,” the president’s tweet read. “Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger and more powerful one than his, and my Button works!”

Instead of latching onto the fact the President of the United States is threatening war with a highly unstable dictator who’s been trialling missiles for months, the internet wondered if the president’s stance might be a euphemism.

The charge was led by popstar Cher, who’s been outspoken against Trump in the past.

First she called him a “nut job”. Then she implied he and Kim Jong Un were playing a game of “whose is bigger”. Finally, she said “they’re probably both the size of Tom Thumb”.

The conversation should have stopped there. But of course it didn’t and this morning, far-right radio host Alex Jones has defended the President’s penis size. Surely this means we’ve reached peak-ridiculousness.

“There’s media trying to say the President has small genitals,” his rant began, The Cut reports. “And by the way he doesn’t even have small hands, and by the way that’s a cliché, and a wives’ tale, and not even true as well. Medical doctors will tell you it’s the feet size. But the point is — that it’s more comparable. And that’s not even an exact metric.”

LISTEN: Mia Freedman speaks to Celebrity PhD Anne Helen Petersen about the unruliness of Hillary, Trump’s White House, and why he’s closer to re-election every day. Post continues after. 

Thank you for that, Jones. How enlightening.

While the media space is gridlocked in an argument about Trump’s genitals, the real world is about to implode with the threat of nuclear war.

Focus, people. Focus. There are more important things than manhood at stake.

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james b 6 years ago

hahahaha. Cher said that Trump has a small willy! How clever and witty, and it's funny because it's probably true!

Then again, judging people by their body type and/or physical characteristics probably really isn't very nice, Cher has a nice body for her age, but if she was fat and ugly, it probably wouldn't be very nice to describe her as fat and ugly.

But it's Trump, and everybody hates him, so it's hilarious.