
The top 10 most attractive names and occupations have been revealed.

It may sound silly but sometimes you can’t help but associate certain traits with certain names. And now International dating app Happn has shared its data with The Independent to reveal the top 10 most attractive names in online dating.

Here they are:


  1. James
  2. Richard
  3. Tom
  4. Will
  5. Sam
  6. Ben
  7. Alex
  8. David
  9. Adam
  10. Chris


  1. Sarah
  2. Sophie
  3. Laura
  4. Charlotte
  5. Jessica
  6. Emma
  7. Emily
  8. Katie
  9. Lucy
  10. Anna

Sometimes you know when you just gotta go. Post continues...

The data was drawn from users who used the geographically-charged application in London. The application also sourced the ten most attractive occupations for men and women.

They include:


  1. Entrepreneur
  2. Lawyer
  3. Designer
  4. Architect
  5. Property developer
  6. Strategic consultant
  7. Advertising manager
  8. Broker
  9. Consultant
  10. Creative director

Post continues after gallery...

Cringe-worthy Tinder interactions


  1. Marketing manager
  2. Lawyer
  3. PR executive
  4. Teacher
  5. Designer
  6. Personal assistant
  7. Consultant
  8. Finance
  9. Interior designer
  10. Journalist

Did you make the cut? It's okay. I'm sure the results would be different if they were taken from our capitals.

Definitely a few more Sheilas in the mix.

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Top Comments

mmagirlfighter 8 years ago

These so called "attractive" names are all very white Anglo Saxon protestant aren't they? Did they not ask any people of color their opinion during this study? Britain is a very multicultural country, I just don't get it?
Also these names are just plain boring and generic! And I don't find boring and generic "attractive" at all. Maybe because I'm not British.
As for the "attractive" occupations, all this proves is that both genders are only looking for a partner with a higher than average salary. I figured as much, these days most people worship the almighty dollar above all else.
There is no hope for humanity and its devolution.