
Top 10 reasons you're not losing weight

If you’ve been adhering to a strict healthy eating and fitness plan for a while but are failing to see the results, it may be time to take a look at what is sabotaging your success. From dieting blunders to physical factors, check out the top 10 reasons why you’re not losing weight.

You overcompensate for exercise

Many of us are familiar with the temptation to reward our workouts with an edible treat (well, you’ve just burned off all those calories, right?), howe

You’re not getting enough sleep

You may think that cutting back on sleep to make time for a workout is great for your health and fitness, however not getting enough sleep could actual

You’re drinking too many sugary drinks

You watch what you eat, cut back on fatty foods and don’t snack between meals, but have you considered the amount of calories you may be d

You’re eating large portions

If you’re eating low fat, healthy meals but are still not losing weight, it may be worth looking at your portion sizes.

You’re eating too little

While eating too much food can cause you to gain weight, eating too little can also make it surprisingly difficult to shed those pounds.

You’re not consistent

Perhaps even worse for your metabolism and waistline than eating too much or too little is flitting regularly between the two extremes.

You don’t vary your workouts

If you’ve fallen into a rut with your exercise routine, you may no longer be getting the most out of your workouts.

You don’t need to lose weight

With the growing obesity problem in many parts of the world, it seems as though everybody wants to lose weight.

You have a medical condition

Many medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid problems and hormonal imbalances can cause you to gain weight and

This post was originally published here and is republished with full permission.


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