
Tony Abbott makes a St Patrick's Day video. Manages to offend almost everyone.

It’s not easy being green…

After this week referring to remote communities as “lifestyle choices” and causing wide-spread offence among Indigenous Australians, you’d think the Prime Minister might be watching his words a little.

Not so, apparently. Even pre-recording his St. Patrick’s Day message to Irish Australians couldn’t save the chronically gaffe-prone PM from insulting them.

Despite St. Patrick’s Day not being until next Tuesday, the video has already appeared on the Liberal Party’s YouTube page and is already been slammed as “patronising” by Irish ex-pats.

Tony ‘climate change is crap’ Abbott dons a green tie in celebration of “the one day of the year when it’s good to be green” (har har har) and manages to tread a fine line between being completely non-sensical and vaguely racist throughout the 70-second clip.

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While he stopped short of dropping a “to be sure” and there is no mention of potatoes, Abbott quickly makes it clear he knows little of the Irish.

“It’s been said of us that the English made the laws, the Scots made the money and the Irish made the songs,” Mr Abbott said.

Funnily enough, the only person I have ever heard utter the above words was, er, Tony Abbott in his 2014 St. Patirck’s Day address.

(Post continues after video)


You may also recognise that green tie and the line about sharing “a Guinness or two or maybe even three”.

Anyone else feeling like this kid right now?


One final thing…


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Top Comments

Katherine 9 years ago

How bizarre! He's effectively making the same speech in both videos, but in 2015 he sounds like he's sending himself up. And this speech would be patronising if it was targeted at a group of school children, let alone a large portion of the adult population of Australia...

Hayzy 9 years ago

So all these people with sour grapes because there party didn't win the election ,,get over it ,,any way what makes you think you can compare yourself to a counties prime minister ,have some respect

guest 9 years ago

Hahaha! Brilliant. The comedy comments keep on rolling in. Hi Freya!