
Tone Your Tummy Like a Trainer

Get started by sitting on the floor with a straight back. Bend your knees in front of you, heels planted:

  1. Reach your arms forward, palms together, and alternate twisting from side to side, touching your fingertips to the floor. Repeat 25 times.
  2. Now, lift your feet up, knees still bent, legs parallel to the floor. Repeat the same side-to-side motion 25 more times. Then…
  3. Keeping your feet lifted, separate your hands and hold them straight out in front of you. Bring your knees into your chest and push out for (you guessed it) 25 repetitions. Now you’re at 75!
  4. Now, hold your position for 30 seconds. Extend your legs up into a deep V position and hold for 15 seconds. Slowly roll onto your back, supporting your head with your hands. Alternate bringing opposite knee to opposite elbow for your last 25 repetitions.
  5. Here’s where the “ish” comes in! When you have completed your 100th repetition, hold your knee to elbow on each side for a few more seconds.

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