
The kids have spoken: Why toddler inspired fashion is so hot right now.


I know absolutely nothing about fashion. Zero.

I wear what I like and what looks right. I know that leggings aren’t pants… and that’s about it when it comes to the “rules.”

Plus, when you’re a mum, you tend to end up wearing a kind of default Mum Uniform: think jeans, t-shirts, ballet flats and a greasy slicked back ponytail. Minimal accessories too, of course, as dangly necklaces and earrings are an OH&S risk.

It’s not fancy but it’s functional. And given you may be required to slide down a slippery dip at a moment’s notice, that’s really all that matters. It’s timeless. Or at least that’s what I tell myself…

As I rushed through the shops over the weekend searching for a dress for an engagement party, (an occasion in which the aforementioned Mum Uniform just wasn’t going to cut it) I couldn’t help but notice how toddler-inspired the fashion is this season. Have we finally just admitted defeat and conceded that toddlers do in fact, know exactly what they’re talking about when it comes to how to dress? Allow me to explain…

1. Overalls.

Overalls were everywhere. Dark denim, light denim, flared denim. Short. Long. Practical. Stylish. Who knew overalls could be stylish? I was reliably informed of this fun fashion fact, by a friendly young shop assistant who took one look at me, adopted me as a special project and assured me I could "dress them up with a pair of heels."

I haven’t worn overalls since I was about five and lived in a pair of grey and white striped OshKosh B’gosh. Actually, that’s a blatant lie. I bought a pair about three years ago when they were back in fashion and wore them to a family dinner one evening. My brother laughed so hard he almost choked - which was harsh but probably fair.

Anyway, encouraged by friendly young shop assistant I decided to give a “tailored” overall a go. Somehow, I still ended up looking like I should be auditioning for The Block. No pair of heels was going to elevate (pun intended) my status from “aspiring Blockhead” to “stylish.”

2. Pinafores.

In a similar blast from childhood’s past, denim pinafores were in every single store. You can get “preppy” pinafores, “smart” pinafores, polka-dotted pinafores. Oh and the very 90’s button down pinafore that I’m sure Kelly used to wear on Beverly Hills 90210. I tried one of those on too. And let’s just say it was 9021… no.

3. Playsuits.

The playsuit/romper/jumpsuit is another toddler-inspired fashion trend that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Long, short, floral, formal, casual. And look, full admission: I love a onesie as much as the next newborn. They are super comfortable and, as an added bonus, unlike dresses and skirts, you don’t have to worry about an unexpected afternoon southerly exposing your underwear.

“Is there an age at which it’s not really appropriate to wear a playsuit anymore?” I asked friendly young shop assistant as I scrutinised my reflection in a floral/casual combo. “Oh I don’t know, maybe 30?” Hmmm… guess I’m too old for a playsuit then.

4. Layering.

There’s nothing I love more than walking into daycare in the morning and seeing the results of morning battles having been fought and lost. The fashion parade of superhero costumes, gumboots, pyjamas and tutus. My favourite however, is the layering. This is a trend I’ve watched for some time. Kids love a dress over leggings. A princess outfit over jeans. A Darth Vader cape over Spider-Man shorts and a Frozen t-shirt. And, it seems the people in the know have listened.

Friendly young shop assistant also informed me that the “apron look” a new type of layering, is in this season. Not a real apron though, she clarified. I mean this isn’t the 1950’s. No. Think skirts over dresses. Yep. Take a minute to ponder that. Skirts over dresses. A look only a toddler could pull off, right?

In amongst the overalls, playsuits, pinafores and scary layering however, there was one trend that was most certainly not toddler-inspired: head to toe white. And even though it’s probably safe for those of us who are over 30, I think I’ll pass. At least until they make Vegemite-print fashionable….

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