
'I’m a beauty writer. Here’s 8 ways I manage my oily skin.'

Thanks to our brand partner, Biore

My skin has always been an over-achiever. In my teens, I felt like I could’ve won the award for oiliest T-zone. 

Luckily, thanks to hormones (I never thought I’d say that…) this has changed somewhat as I’ve gotten older. 

Don’t get me wrong, my face still looks desperately shiny at times, ready for its breakout role. The key thing is, I’ve simply learnt how to manage it and keep all that oil at bay. Here’s 8 ways how. 

1. Use products designed to combat oily skin. 

They’re out there and they’re made specifically for us! So, use them. I love anything with charcoal in it, as it feels like it’s giving my skin a solid clean. 

Bioré’s Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser has been a lifesaver in several ways. Firstly, it’s at Woolies, so I can get it whilst doing my groceries (it's also only $11 so this is a huge win). Secondly, it works. It does exactly what it sets out to do and cleans my pores, deeply, by pulling out all the bad oils my skin doesn’t want or need. It draws out and traps twice as much dirt as any other cleanser. It’s oil-free, tested by the dermatologists and I use it every damn day. Thankfully, it’s gentle and doesn’t over-strip my skin – it goes nice and foamy as you use it, which is such a joyful sensory experience. 

Image: Supplied. 

2. Use ingredients to combat oily skin.

Charcoal is one of them, yes, but so is niacinamide. This ingredient is in a lot of products on the market, or you can find yourself a direct niacinamide or vitamin B serum. This master ingredient helps combat excess oil production while also supporting and hydrating your skin’s barrier and evening out your skin tone.

3. Maintain with treatments. 

I also use Bioré’s Charcoal Deep Cleansing Pore Strips every week or so for maintenance. This unclogs those annoying, incessantly blocked pores on my nose and helps remove excess oil that’s been building up over time. You’ll visibly notice 3x less oil on your skin after using these, they’re that good. They’re formulated with charcoal and only take 10 minutes which I love, given how time poor I am.

Image: Supplied. 

4. Keep your skin hydrated.

I know it’s scary and it feels counter-intuitive, but trust me, oily skin is screaming for a beverage. Use a hyaluronic acid serum and find a lightweight moisturiser, and dare I say a facial oil, to ensure your skin is keeping a hold of the good oils it needs and banishing the bad ones. Oily skin is often dehydrated, so drink up.

5. Set your makeup with a powder.

As much as I need a powder to combat the oil building up between my brows, a matte makeup look isn’t really in these days. I’ve always felt a matte foundation makes me look flat. So instead, use whatever foundation you love – totally fine if it’s dewy – but set that baby in place with a nice translucent setting powder across your T-zone, temples, chin etc. so that you shine where you want to.

6. Pop on a face mask. 

Once a week, on top of other maintenance, pop on a clay mask. I love doing this on a Sunday to get rid of all the nasties which have been brewing up all week. It makes me feel fresh and clean come Monday morning, so my skin can try and do it all over again. 

7. Use an exfoliant, although not too often. 

It’s a fine line here – you don’t want to do it and risk breaking down your barrier, because then your skin will not only over produce oil, but it’ll feel dry as well. A killer combo, and not in the good sense. Using a BHA (beta hydroxy acid) like salicylic acid, a few times a week, is a great way to combat oiliness. This kind of exfoliant digs deeps and clears out unwanted nasties from inside your pores. It's big on banishing blackheads and a no-brainer. 

8. Resist the urge to pick your face. 

Oily skin often leads to break outs, but if you incessantly touch and pick at them, you’re only adding more unwanted oils to your face, and I can guarantee these aren’t the good kind. This tip is super important, and I wish I could stick to it myself…

Oily skin is just one of many skin types, and while it’s frustrating and often makes it look like you’ve run a marathon you never signed up for, it’s totally normal. It feels like a hassle, but that’s only because it requires maintenance. If you stick to the 8 tips above, your oily skin won’t feel like a burden, because you’ll manage to keep it at bay and embrace the glow in all the right places.

Shop Bioré's Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser and Charcoal Deep Cleansing Pore Strips to combat oily skin, available at Woolworths. 

Feature Image: Supplied / Getty / Mamamia.

Deeply purify and draw out pore clogging dirt and oil with Biore̒ Charcoal Strips and Cleanser. Enriched with natural charcoal, the Strips binds to blackheads not to skin whilst the Cleanser instantly unclog pores. Great for oily skin types, this dynamic duo will deeply remove dirt, oil and blackheads to leave clear, smooth skin. Cruelty Free, Dermatologist Tested and Vegan Friendly.

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