
Yes, you can have a very beautiful wedding without spending thousands.

Weddings are expensive. Everybody knows this. According to The Knot, the average American couple will spend $32,641 on their nuptials.

New York City topped the list, with an average wedding in Manhattan costing $82,299.

So it’s no surprise the internet is filled with discussion on how to cut costs so your wedding day doesn’t break the bank. We’ve sifted through them to bring you the highlights.

Avoid starting your new life in debt and spend the money you would have blown yachting around the Mediterranean instead.

Ditch the snail mail

We live in a digital age, which means digital wedding invites are a very real, very legitimate option.

If you’re dead-set on printing your invites, there are plenty of places that will still do traditional printing - for a decent fee. Digital wedding invites at Paperless Post will set you back about $42 for 300 invites in comparison.

Fill your wedding with paper blooms

Flowers are mandatory at any wedding, no matter how small your budget is. Picking seasonal flowers in an obvious choice and can be fleshed out with greenery.

The alternative is to get crafty and make flowers yourself.

"I did tissue paper flowers. If a second grader can do it, so can I. I spent about $30 to have roughly a thousand "blooms" at my wedding," Reddit user 'wntrwhte' suggests.

You'll spend so much less and most likely leave a unique impression on your guests.

All you need to make a bunch of your own flowers is: 12 Sheets of Tissue Paper (20"x26" or 20"x30"), 12 pipe cleaners or other flexible wire and a pair of scissors. Learn how make every colored rose here.

If walls could talk, what would your wedding venue say about you?

Choosing your venue is about the single biggest decision of your wedding day, except for maybe picking your partner. If you’re committed to the idea of a budget wedding you can rent a patch of grass in your neighborhood for as little at $25.

Every city/town has a different way of reserving public spaces for private events. Go to the parks and recreation website of your city or town and you'll find all the information you need, including whether it’s an alcohol friendly location or not – this is a fairly important detail that shouldn’t be missed.

If you're not keen on paying $60k for one room in a SOHO bookstore, look into some alternative venues for hire.

"Searching for "event venue" in your area will turn up cheaper venues - and lots of times much cooler than the typical wedding venue. Community halls, public parks (careful of alcohol limitations), historic buildings, dance halls, lots of stuff out there if you look in places other than wedding websites," Reddit user 'box-of-stars' suggests.

"You can also sometimes save money by hiring an out-of-area vendor and paying their transportation costs - especially true for photographers or DJs."

Let them eat cake

After choosing your venue, your next priority is probably a cake or maybe it's your only priority. Be brave and try this DIY Martha Stewart Chocolate Leaf Wedding Cake. Or maybe as a wedding present a friend or family member who is a great baker can make you one.

If you have family members who WANT to help, say yes

This extends to asking friends for a hand. Maybe you could consider asking for help instead of a wedding gift. If you have a friend in catering? Excellent. A photographer you went to high school with? Even better.

'Skills exchanging' is one of the best ways to save money leading up to your big day. What can you do for your talented friend that they would otherwise pay someone to do?

Have fun, happily ever after starts here

Your wedding day should be fun. Things will go wrong, because that is the law of the wedding universe. But if you're having a great time with all of your favorite people, on the day you marry the love of your life, it's likely you won't even notice.

This post originally appeared on Spring Street. It’s a happy place for smart women, come say hello.

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Top Comments

reality check 8 years ago

Use your own car or borrow a friends swishy car, find a wholesale florist and arrange the flowers yourself, ditch the DJ, don't invite every man and his dog, choose a date 'out of season' or midweek and you'll probably score discounts from venues, photographers etc..., gather for lunch or canapes rather than dinner, do your own hair an make up and the list goes on. It's really just common sense and an ability not to conform to the silly expectations and dreams people have these days.

JCY 8 years ago

Kmart. I bought a lot of my decorations from their homewares section, it was cheaper than hiring.
Donut stack for a cake- this was a hit at ours and cost less than $100 for 100 guests.
If you have a BYO venue, buy alcohol from a venue that accepts returns for unopened cartons.
Reality is weddings add up quickly. To keep to a budget you need to watch the little expenses- $200 here, $400 there quickly adds up to an extra $10K!