real life

Tinder users are posting photos of what they REALLY look like.


A group of Tinder users have taken to Twitter to shatter the Ludwig-filtered allusion. They’re posting realistic photographs of their every-day-selves in comparison to those carefully curated profile pics.

The hashtag #OnTinderAtTinder, originated by account @someecards, is designed to highlight the enormous and ironic difference between how we look to those perusing our profiles, and how we look when we’re the ones doing the swiping.

Because let’s face it, the cat hair, mouth-guard and pimple cream combo that we’re rocking on a lazy Friday night, while providing an accurate summation of our day-to-day existence, is probably less likely to get those fingers swiping in the right direction.

No more broken dreams when the relationship progresses beyond the initial date(s).

Behold. The future.




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