
This story is devastating….

Whichever way you look at it. It’s never cause for celebration when children are removed from their parents. It is devastating for the children to be removed and devastating that the need is there to take them from a dangerous or damaging environment in the first place.

And so it is with the news that the US toddler named Adolf Hitler and his two baby sisters – who also have names associated with Nazism – have been taken from their white supremacist parents who insist they are not racist. Of course they’re not. Why would anyone think that? That swastika tattoo on the dad’s arm? He says that’s ‘art’.

Now the mother has breached a court order barring them from talking to the media and given an interview pleading for a lawyer to help the family get the kids back. The news clip below is hard to watch without clenching your fist. 

It’s too easy to call these people nuts. They are not nuts, they know exactly what they’re doing. Which makes the whole situation that much more sad and frightening……

A special shout out to Adolf’s granny who talks shit in the interview, comparing her grandchildrens’ names to BARACK OBAMA. I know. Deep breath. Don’t punch the computer. Not the computer’s fault.

On the way to court a couple days ago, the lovely Campbell family were pulled over by the cops who gave the dad a breath test because the car reeked of alcohol. Turns out the smell wasn’t coming from him but from Granny Campbell in the backseat who was wasted at 10am in the morning, on her way to court to ask the judge to grant her custody of the kids.

There are no words. Actually…there are a few words here in a New York Times piece that looks at the Campbell case and questions whether naming a child something heinous constitutes child abuse. Of a sort? I say yes.

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Top Comments

Holly 15 years ago

I agree with Melanie.
I don't think that people who support Nazism are right, but I do think people are entitled to name their children whatever they want, regardless of if it offends people or not. They are not harming their children.
You say it's psychological abuse but many parents or even grandparents still teach their children to be racist. Many people probably teach their children other things that are not necessarily accepted by society, but that does not mean these things are against the law.
Even with religion, even though it's more socially acceptable, many parents force their religious beliefs on their children. Many parents also teach their children that being gay is wrong and a complete sin, and gay people do not deserve to be alive. Should those children be taken from those families, too?
I understand the names are a bit far but it is their decision and it does not imply they are doing anything wrong to their children.

gigdiary 15 years ago

‘when it comes to Nazism and racism and white supremacy, society has judged exactly that. Wrong. In the same way society has judged that murder and incest are wrong.’
Mia you couldn’t have said it better, for all my verbose perambulating around your topic, you nailed it in one.
My hat off to you.
Thank you.