real life

10 things nobody tells you about getting married.






If we offered couples an instruction manual to help contextualise and normalise the challenges that arise in any intimate partnership, I can only imagine how different our divorce rate would be.

When we don’t understand what’s normal, it’s easy to assume there’s something wrong with us, our partner, or our relationship. From there, it’s often a downward spiral to breakup or divorce.

Here are 10 things nobody tells you about marriage, a mini-manual that can help you understand what’s normal (and even necessary!) for a marriage to thrive.

1. Marriage doesn’t complete you.

Contrary to Jerry Maguire and the implicit messages embedded in statements like “finding the One” or “your other half,” a healthy marriage consists of two whole people who partner to create a third body of their marriage. In other words, one plus one doesn’t make one or even two; it makes three. You are responsible for your own aliveness and wholeness, and your partner is responsible for his or hers.

2. You won’t always feel attracted to your partner.

Even if we know this intellectually, when lack of attraction hits in marriage most people panic. We’re a profoundly image-based culture and we’re taught through mainstream media that if you’re not wildly attracted to your partner, you’re with the wrong person. That simply is not reality.

We see our partners in many different lights — from elegantly dressed for a special event to retching over the toilet bowl. Even over the course of a day or an hour, attraction can fluctuate, and that’s completely normal. Knowing this can alleviate much needless anxiety so that you don’t fall down the rabbit hole of “What’s wrong?”

3. You won’t always like your partner.

His jokes will drive you crazy. Her laugh sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard. That’s simply the way it is when you spend that much time with one human being. We allow for this when it comes to friendships and family, but with partners, we absorb a fantasy that we’re supposed to like everything about each other all the time.

4. Being in love is a stage of relationship that doesn’t last forever.

The romantic model says: “You meet, fall in love, and live happily ever after.” We skip over an essential stage: falling out of love. As one of my clients shared: “I had to fall out of love before I learned what real love is all about.” This is something rarely talked about in the mainstream.

And if you didn’t have an infatuation stage, it doesn’t mean your relationship is doomed! Some people have it and others don’t, and there is absolutely no correlation between having an infatuation stage and the success of a marriage.

5. Love can grow with time and effort.

We also grow up believing that you’re either in love or out of love; there’s nothing in between. And we believe that love is quantifiable and a fixed amount, meaning that you can measure it — “Do you love your partner enough?” — and that what you have in the beginning is all you’ll ever have.

The truth is that real love grows over time. Love begins as an empty garden that requires attention and care, and when it’s thoroughly watered and the weeds are pulled, the flowers will blossom over a lifetime.

6. You don’t have to feel love to give it.

In our culture that says that love is only a feeling, it’s easy to feel confused when the loving feelings fade. Then we balk against advice that says, “Fake it til you make it.” But sometimes, you have to act as-if in a long-term relationship, meaning that even if you don’t feel like giving your partner a good morning kiss, you do it anyway.

7. Sex is a sacred act of giving and receiving.

It’s sad and often detrimental that we’re offered zero guidance about one of the most complicated aspects of being human: our sexuality. We learn from pop culture, peers, and now, increasingly, from pornography, that sex is something you use to gain approval, validation or security. Healthy sex is none of those things. Loving sex is an expression of love, an act of connection where you practice the arts and skill of giving and receiving.

8. Marriage is a crucible designed to help you grow.

Marriage isn’t “happily ever after.” It isn’t the end of the road, the resting spot for eternal happiness. Marriage is one of the most challenging and rewarding paths we can commit to as human beings.

As such, it will activate every element of unshed grief, unattended fear, unfinished transition and it will bring to light the fear and false beliefs you’ve absorbed from your first blueprint and the culture about love. Knowing that the going is supposed to get rough can give you fortitude when you want to walk out the door.

9. Your first blueprint for intimate partnership informs how you approach your marriage.

If you witnessed a healthy marriage growing up, you’re much more likely to naturally implement the principles and actions required for marriage success.

On the other hand, if you witnessed a marriage characterised by criticism, nagging, distance, arguing, or abuse, you’ll have to fight your template at every turn.

It’s not easy work, but just because it’s work doesn’t mean you’re with the wrong person. If you’re with a loving partner, the work is a sign that you’re pushing up against your dysfunctional or limited blueprint and it’s an invitation to create a new legacy of healthy partnership.

10. Life with young children is stressful.

That’s it: it’s stressful, overwhelming, rich, and beautiful — and it will put a strain on even the best of marriages. I often think it’s a small miracle that any couple survives parenting intact, as there’s such a demand on time and filling needs other than your own that the marriage is sure to suffer.

Knowing this can help you weather these challenging years, while remembering how important it is to find time to nurture both yourself and the marriage, no matter how small.

This first appeared on MindBodyGreen, a healthy living website based in in Brooklyn, New York.

What do you wish you knew about marriage before you said “I do”? 

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Top Comments

Cecelia 10 years ago

All the things here just reaffirm everything my husband and I are finding out the hard way - marriage is not the end goal. Media treats marriage and married life as the reward at the end of the dating game, only given to those who successfully solve the puzzle of their partner. That is not even funny how far off it is. Marriage is work. Day in and day out, you work for it. Sometimes you like you job and even love your partner, and other days you feel like you could smack them in their stupid face, they're so stupid. Or at least, that's what you mumble under your breath. But you don't always love your partner and life with them will be stressful. But I wish more people told you- THATS NORMAL. Who else would you willingly live with for the rest of your life? No one. There are very good reasons for that. Married life is about weathering the struggles together and knowing how to buckle down and work through the rough times. It's about helping one another grow as a person and provide for each other. It's about doing for yourself and for your partner and just doing what is needed to make your life together work. Life is not a fairy tale and women are not princesses and men are not princes. We are all people and I wish the telling of how marriage goes reflected that from the beginning. I never tell my children anymore that someone got married because they are in love. I tell them that someone is married because they decided to spend their life with that other person so they could build their life together. And I make sure that they understand that life is never perfect, and it's absolutely ridiculous to ever expect it to be.

Frynnsk 10 years ago

The sad part is that marriage is treated as a "if it doesnt work ill just get a divorce" situation. We live in such a throwaway society that even marriage is treated as discardable. My grandmother gave me the best advice. "If hes not beating or cheating on you the marriage is fixable. If you are beating or cheating then have the respect for yourself and the marriage to stop and get help. " You chose each other for life. Problems dont mean it has to end. Stop taking the easy way out. As difficult as it is divorce is almost always the easy way out. I have had friends who got married and as soon as a rough patch came filed for divorce. Its not supposed to be happily ever after. Its supposed to be committed, respectful and loving ever after. The happy comes when you know that when you make it through the rough patches you will come out stronger.

Guest 10 years ago

Very well said if you leave every time things get tough you will end up with lots of unhappy relationships.

Whithered Belaglik Von Poobah 10 years ago

Your grandmother is/was very wise! Too often in the past women especially were encouraged to stay with abusive or unfaithful husbands often "for the sake of the children." Kids aren't stupid and they usually know what's going on so all this teaches them is that women aren't worthy of respect.

R 10 years ago

Agree and I actually don't understand when people give "I'm not in love or dont love the person any more" as the reason for divorcing. Seriously what does that even mean

Butz 10 years ago

I think it means that the respect is gone. I honestly beleive that if the respect is gone, so is your feeling of love and affection. Once I lost respect for my exhusband that was is it for me.