
A love letter to my Thermomix.

Thanks to our brand partner, Thermomix

My beloved Thermomix. 

I still remember the first time I laid eyes on you, I was halfway through my first pregnancy and my best friend had invited me over for dinner. 

You were bright, shiny and practically glowing with promise – the promise of facilitating my transformation from someone who once added six cups of salt stock to a saucepan in an attempt to make chicken soup – into someone who could (and would, endlessly) make natural peanut butter from scratch.

I watched in absolute awe as a mutual friend used her beloved ‘Thermie’ to whip up a beetroot, carrot and apple salad, a chicken curry and mango sorbet. All while barely breaking into a sweat, and schooling me on how it halved her groceries.

There’s nothing like the impending arrival of your child to make you reassess your entire life. I’d spent a large amount of time attempting to picture how exactly my life would change, I couldn’t fathom how in a few short months I’d be completely responsible for another human being. 

Whilst I’d mastered some forms of adulting, I could barely boil an egg. All I knew was that I had a six-month grace period before I’d have to start preparing nutritious meals and snacks to keep my kid alive. 

Growing up, I was treated to incredibly tasty home-cooked meals. My mum, an excellent and very resourceful cook, spent most nights banging around the kitchen, the entire contents of the cupboards spread across our benches in order to prepare a feast to feed our family of six and whichever extra straggler or two had decided to stay.

Cooking felt hard, overwhelming, MESSY. And expensive.

When I moved out of home at 19, I had never made a meal, well, an edible one anyway.

My confidence never really grew, I mastered a small rotation of very simple dishes, and picked up store-bought things when I’d attend family functions and hope no one noticed.

And then, there was you, my prized Thermomix. 

You swiftly replaced 20 different appliances when you moved in.

Sure, it took time for me to get to know you (and your 18374 hidden talents). Though, the simplicity of guided cooking with Cookidoo meant my Thermie quickly became my new best friend and grocery-saver, weekends filled with American Style Pancakes, the smell of fresh damper and Chicken Gallette at a fraction of the cost to buy them.

Suddenly, I was *that* person showcasing an array of delectable dishes and desserts at family gatherings, relishing in the unfamiliar sense of pride that came over me each time someone demanded I make my ‘famous’ Sticky Date pudding (which has to be the easiest, yet most delicious dessert I’ve ever tried). 

I'd become the person I always wanted to be – that had ‘a dish’.

When my son hit six months, I was able to give him a variety of different fruits, vegetables and meats. It was ridiculously simple and so much cheaper.

In the midst of first-time motherhood, sleep regressions, teething issues, safety ratings and 100 foods before one, my life was made exceedingly more simple (with much less food wastage) by the fact I could whip up everything he needed and still have my hands free.

It wasn’t until I entered my second period of parental leave and the world plunged into a cost-of-living crisis while I was attempting to survive as a family of four on one income that I really noticed how much cheaper it was to cook things with my Thermomix – how much easier it is to improvise when you only have to operate one very multi-talented appliance.

Hudson checking out the recipes on screen. Image: Supplied.

Our expensive Saturday morning ‘babyccino’ routine out was swiftly replaced with an enthusiastic request for porridge and honey (no amount of stirring on a stovetop can recreate the deliciousness), movie nights accompanied with homemade pizzas instead of paying for takeout, and homemade spaghetti sauce jam-packed using whatever array of leftover vegetables in the bottom of my fridge instead of chucking them out. 

Kids snack a lot and it turns out adding another one (as little as they are) into the mix drastically changes the amount of food we need to buy. Each kid has to have what the other one is eating, regardless of whether they actually like it - meaning packaged snacks are featuring less and less in our shopping trolley not only due to the expense but because they more often or not end up on the floor.

As a full time working mother – I’m often plagued with guilt over some aspects of my parenting, the way I appease that guilt is by spending a Sunday night every few weeks with my Thermomix, whipping up a couple of delicious snacks and meals for my kids.

It’s quick, it’s fast, it’s simple and I know exactly what goodness is going into each meal.

So thank you, dear Thermie, for helping me fake it ‘til I (actually) made it.

Invest one time, save for a lifetime with Thermomix® TM6 – and cook from their exclusive recipe library, Cookidoo®See how much you could also save with their savings calculator

Feature Image: Supplied/Mamamia.

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Australian families are spending on average $160 per week on groceries, with bakery items at the top of the list*. With Thermomix® and Cookidoo®, creating recipes like homemade bread and all sorts of baked treats is super easy and virtually mess-free. You can also save on take-away meals and staples like yoghurt, alternative milk and muesli bars. Find out how much you could be saving with Thermomix® by trying out our fun and easy to use savings calculator.

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Top Comments

kami.ramini 8 months ago
Yes! My love of my Thermie sky-rocketed when I had my first baby too. My kids are 9 and 6 now and we still use it daily.

jessclayden 8 months ago
Hard relate. I also love my Thermomix!