
What happens when you let the Wiggles loose for an adults only show.

If the unprecedented success of adult colouring books has taught us nothing else, it’s that adults love doing kid stuff. Without kids.

On Friday night more than 700 grown-ups flocked to Sydney’s Dee Why RSL to smash some bevvies and shake out their sillies with the original line-up of the Wiggles.

Greg was there in his yellow skivvy, along with one-time former Cleo bachelor of the year Anthony in blue, narcoleptic purple wiggle Jeff and Murray, the red one.

Dorothy the daisy-loving dinosaur was there too, as was that mod-looking octopus and the aptly-named (if slightly Freudian) Captain Feathersword and Wags the Dog.

It was the 25 year reunion of the band who are synonymous with the childhood good times for most Australian 25-year-olds and to be honest, it looked like a blast.

Plus, the shows are raising money for Soldier On Australia.

Cheers to that, Wiggles.

Anyway, it was a night of good clean fun, apparently the most risqué thing that went down was an audience member suggesting Jeff be woken up with a VB (that rascal).

“I don’t know what VB is,” said Murray.

Bloody see a doctor Jeff:

Honestly it looked like a blast and, without thinking about the psychical implications of our generation’s affection for regressing into a child-like state of wonderment at every available opportunity (see Peter Combe-aissance) we had a think about some other things we’d like to revisit as adults, without the kids and plus booze.

1. Benita and George

Imagine a craft-ernoon with Benita and George. You could build a house with empty tinnies and have them put you down for a kip on the couch.

2. Birthday parties at Macca’s

Private use of the Macca’s playground, a happy meal plus cookies and that generic ice cream cake, I’m pretty sure you can just get from Woolies. What more could you want?

3. The Ferals

Remember before the Ferals sold out and went to Feral TV? There was a rat called Rattus, a feral cat called Modigliana and… nah, you know what? Would happily hit the pub with just these two.

4. Ikea-style ball pits

Look, once I went to a club night where there was a ball pit. It quickly filled with spilled beer and ciggie butts and drunk idiots, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a fantastic idea.

5. Lolly bags at the end of parties

Imagine if when leaving a party, you still departed with a dry piece of cake on a napkin and a carefully curated bag of sweets? Uber drivers should just start carrying musk sticks, to be honest.

What would you like to see brought come back?

*Feature image via Instagram.


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Top Comments

Jemima 8 years ago

Lolly bags after parties would be the best. As you're leaving a licensed establishment you get a cute plastic bag for your trip home. I'd take that over a dodgy kebab any night! I think this should become mandatory with every liquor license.