real life

The top 10 lies men and women tell. I swear.

There are two kinds of lies: those you tell to protect someone’s feelings and those you tell to cover your own arse.

So who does lie more, men or women? And why do we lie at all?

In a study commissioned by the Science Museum in London, Katie Maggs, Associate Medical Curator says, “Lying may seem to be an unavoidable part of human nature but it’s an important part of social interaction. The jury is still out as to whether human quirks like lying are the result of our genes, evolution or our upbringing.”

According to the SMH

“The average male tells 1,092 lies every year – roughly three a day. And in so doing, he is less likely to suffer a guilty conscience than his female counterpart.

By contrast, the average woman will come out with 728 porkies per year – fibbing twice a day.

And while men said their lies were most likely to relate to their drinking habits, the most popular female falsehood is: “Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine.”

Do you think that list looks about right? I think we can all admit to having at least one of these lies in our heads , if not actually in our mouths. Do you lie to your partner? Often get caught out? What’s acceptable to lie about and what not?

Here’s one I’d like to add: ‘I have no idea how that happened to the car. Someone must have dinged it while I was in the Westfield carpark. Bastard.”

Any lies missing from that list? Do you have a personal fave?


Top Comments

Dani 10 years ago

I promise to do it..... (Kids)

mary jane 11 years ago

Lying to kids = teaching them that lying is okay.