real life

The most over-the-top kid's party you've even seen

Video footage of the 13-year-old's celebration has gone viral, scoring more than 400,000 views on YouTube.

The video shows Sam descending from the ceiling inside a chandelier at the Omni Hotel in Dallas. Once on the ground, the chandelier lifts and he's revealed.

“When I was seven I went to a concert and the singer [and] some performers came out of a chandelier,” Sam told TV station KHOU. “And I said, 'Oh my God, that’s what I want to do.' I’m so fortunate to be able to do things like that and it was definitely the best day of my life.”

The Dallas Observer correctly called this "unarguably the craziest entrance to a religious celebration and ceremony," which, well, is hard to argue with. Well played, Sam.
What do you think of Sam Horowitz's celebration? Good for him or world gone mad?

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