
The first Bachelorette has given Sam Frost some tips on going the distance with Sasha.

If you’ve ever scoffed at the contestants on the Bachelor or Bachelorette who claim they’re looking for “the love of their life”, prepare to eat your cynical words.

In 2003, Trista Sutter (nee Rehn) became the world’s first ever Bachelorette. Now, she’s about to celebrate twelve years of marriage with the man she chose on the show – and she’s offered our very own Bachelorette Sam Frost some important advice on going the distance with Sasha Mielczarek.

Sutter, a 42-year-old paediatric physical therapist, has a single hot tip for making the transition from reality TV to reality: move in together.

Yep, the veteran Bachelorette recommends that Sam and Sasha move in together ASAP. 

“If she can, she should make it happen quick,” Sutter told Who Magazine.

“You just can’t create a strong foundation with distractions of other guys, distractions of the cameras, not being in your element and being home, safe and secure.”

It’s almost as though she’s suggesting that dating dozens of men at once isn’t conducive to fostering long-lasting, genuine relationship!

The advice about moving in together doesn’t come out of the blue for new couple Sam and Sasha, who told Nova radio hosts Fitzy and Wippa that they plan to take the next step in as little as six months’ time.

Well, Sasha actually suggested a three-month deadline, but was quickly shot down by new girlfriend Sam.

“Three months, Sashy! What a desperate guy,” she joked.

“Baby steps, mate, come on.”

Sam also revealed to the radio duo that she thought Sasha would “marry her tomorrow” if he could.

With such obvious affection between the pair, twelve years doesn’t seem so far out of reach.

Can’t get enough of the Bachelorette? Check out some of our favourite moments from this season…

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