
SHOPPING: 20 'Add to Cart' finds


If you like to shop then you are going to love this gallery.

I am a super-human shopper – just ask my savings (or not so much savings) account. In fact, I can spot a bargain from across the shopping centre and a good online sale makes me sweat like a goldfish playing Letters and Numbers.

Rather than curb my enthusiasm – I’ve decided to embrace shopping as a marketable skill and share the love through a weekly curated post of the best ‘buys’. Here’s what I am loving this week:

In this post you will always find really, truly great stuff, from clothing through to kids’ toys, home-wares, gifts… Even sex toys. Something for everyone.

The launch of our Mamamia Shopping site is just around the corner. So watch this space for more shopping inspiration.

What is your best shopping find this season?

Top Comments

Amy-Aims 12 years ago

Have a look at the stuff from mentioned in this post, both accessory items are under $10 :) All things on the website are Under $30 x

rachael 12 years ago

I am normally not a commenter but I will in this case... People lighten up! Have you ever thought these are trends and you can buy cheaper items from elsewhere?

Great post Jasmine, I loved all the picks! Some serious inspiration for summer shopping :)