
The CLEO 50 most-eligible bachelors in Australia.

It’s late on Thursday afternoon and we thought  a little er, eye candy might help you get to the end of your day. So, we are bringing you this year’s CLEO’s 50 most eligible bachelors.  This year’s winner was announced last night, and it went to a very deserving Hayden Quinn (formerly on Masterchef).

Here’s a look at the 50 finalists.

The red carpet was pretty awesome too.

Last night marked the award’s 25th anniversary. Take a look at the previous winners below.


Top Comments

cm 12 years ago

I'm 20 and I don't find any of these guys particularly attractive. In fact these pictures made me cringe. I don't find shirtless muscular men posing in unnatural situations very appealing, it makes me feel like some kind of voyeur. I appreciate that Cleo is giving women an opportunity to ogle at attractive men much in the same way as men do to women in girly mags. The difference is that I don't think women respond to overtly sexual images of men in the same way that men do to images of women. If they put a photo of Ryan Gosling in a suit on there it would probably be more popular than any shirtless sexual pose...

TwoDogs 12 years ago


Mamm mia - It make all your articles about mens magazines etc seem like just a bit of hot air now.