
29 of the most giggle-worthy puns on the internet.

A pun is a joke that makes a play on words. A pun, also known as paronomasia, uses words that have several meanings, or words that sound similar but have different meanings. But you probably already know that.

So to best explain it, here is a fine visual example of a pun: 

A pun is probably the equivalent of a dad joke of the internet and no, they don't exactly qualify as high-brow humour - but any day that you get a giggle, in our opinion, is a good day. 

So we invite your to enjoy (and snicker at) 29 of the best visual puns to ever grace the interwebs:

1. Not it is not.

2. Fork in the road.

3. Intense.

4. What a brat.

5. Step-ladder.

6. Friend of foe?

7. Pity Tony Abbott isn't.

8. He's on a roll. Literally.

9. Arch enemies

10. Awkward.

11. Shit zoo.

12. Nicole Richie.

13. Cat in bread/inbred cat.

14. Our Lord and Saviour, Cheeses Christ.

15. Robert De Niro.

16. Meanwhile, at your local photo developing shop.

17. Van Gogh.

18. Alpacas.

19. Literally.

20. Terrible. Show yourself out Robert.

21. Cute puns are the best puns.

22. Oh yes, they have.

23. Sign of the times.

24. And oldie - but a goodie.

25. Props to whoever went to this much trouble.

Image via Pinterest.

26. This guy has too much time on his hands.

27. Easy enough to do.

28. Truth.

29. Finally, the original and still the best.

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