
"It's time to consider same-sex marriage as a public health issue."

Emotive arguments and questionable rhetoric often characterise debates over same-sex marriage. But few attempts have been made to dispassionately dissect the issue from an academic, science-based perspective.

Regardless of which side of the fence you fall on, the more robust, rigorous and reliable information that is publicly available, the better.

There are considerable mental health and wellbeing benefits conferred on those in the fortunate position of being able to marry legally. And there are associated deleterious impacts of being denied this opportunity.

Although it would be irresponsible to suggest the research is unanimous, the majority is either noncommittal (unclear conclusions) or demonstrates the benefits of same-sex marriage.

What does the research say?

Widescale research suggests that members of the LGBTQ community generally experience worse mental health outcomes than their heterosexual counterparts. This is possibly due to the stigmatisation they receive.

The mental health benefits of marriage generally are well-documented. In 2009, the American Medical Association officially recognised that excluding sexual minorities from marriage was significantly contributing to the overall poor health among same-sex households compared to heterosexual households.

Converging lines of evidence also suggest that sexual orientation stigma and discrimination are at least associated with increased psychological distress and a generally decreased quality of life among lesbians and gay men.

A message for Malcolm Turnbull about the same-sex marriage plebiscite. Post continues below.

A US study that surveyed more than 36,000 people aged 18-70 found lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals were far less psychologically distressed if they were in a legally recognised same-sex marriage than if they were not. Married heterosexuals were less distressed than either of these groups.

So, it would seem that being in a legally recognised same-sex marriage can at least partly overcome the substantial health disparity between heterosexual and lesbian, gay, and bisexual persons.

The authors concluded by urging other researchers to consider same-sex marriage as a public health issue.

review of the research examining the impact of marriage denial on the health and wellbeing of gay men and lesbians conceded that marriage equality is a profoundly complex and nuanced issue. But, it argued that depriving lesbians and gay men the tangible (and intangible) benefits of marriage is not only an act of discrimination – it also:

  • disadvantages them by restricting their citizenship;
  • hinders their mental health, wellbeing, and social mobility; and
  • generally disenfranchises them from various cultural, legal, economic and political aspects of their lives.

Of further concern is research finding that in comparison to lesbian, gay and bisexual respondents living in areas where gay marriage was allowed, living in areas where it was banned was associated with significantly higher rates of:

  • mood disorders (36% higher);
  • psychiatric comorbidity – that is, multiple mental health conditions (36% higher); and
  • anxiety disorders (248% higher).

But what about the kids?

Opponents of same-sex marriage often argue that children raised in same-sex households perform worse on a variety of life outcome measures when compared to those raised in a heterosexual household. There is some merit to this argument.

In terms of education and general measures of success, the literature isn’t entirely unanimous. However, most studies have found that on these metrics there is no difference between children raised by same-sex or opposite-sex parents.

In 2005, the American Psychological Association released a brief reviewing research on same-sex parenting. It unambiguously summed up its stance on the issue of whether or not same-sex parenting negatively impacts children:

Not a single study has found children of lesbian or gay parents to be disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents.

Drawing conclusions.

Same-sex marriage has already been legalised in 23 countries around the world, inhabited by more than 760 million people.

Despite the above studies positively linking marriage with wellbeing, it may be premature to definitively assert causality.

But overall, the evidence is fairly clear. Same-sex marriage leads to a host of social and even public health benefits, including a range of advantages for mental health and wellbeing. The benefits accrue to society as a whole, whether you are in a same-sex relationship or not.

As the body of research in support of same-sex marriage continues to grow, the case in favour of it becomes stronger.

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Top Comments

Monster 7 years ago

If you want to make it a public health issue, then why can't we talk about the derogatory effects on the health of homosexuals, males in particular? Why are children being freely educated on all the rainbow/glitter/feelings/sex positions side of it all but no one is talking about the high percentage of rectal and colon cancers, anal leakage, prostate issues and fecal incontinece that occur in much higher rates in sexually active gay men? Not to mention the higher risks of terrible STD's and HIV/AIDS! Perhaps these contribute a lot more to the mental health issues in this community, as well as the increased risk of domestic violence and much higher rates of being unfaithful or having multiple partners at once..
It's because the liberals of the left are far more interested in pushing their agendas on otherwise innocent children by presenting something as natural and healthy when it is not so. I should think that it very well should be considered a public health issue!

Me 7 years ago

Well if we're talking about that, shouldn't we also be talking about the injuries caused by childbirth, in rise in anal sex/gangbangs/s&M practices in hetero groups with the increase in porn, the huge rate of sexual and physical abuse of women by male partners etc etc?

No. Allowing citizens equal rights to marry has NOTHING to do with other health risks.

Anyone against equal rights for all members of society is an arsehole, pure and simple.

TwinMamaManly 7 years ago

Stop conflating issues in an inflammatory way. SSM has nothing to do with genital warts and anal leakage - it is about EQUAL CIVIL RIGHTS.

Laura Palmer 7 years ago

I'm hetero. I have anal sex and my partners loves it when I peg him. So, yeah, we know the risks, there are similar risks with normal intercourse. As consenting adults, what we do in the bedroom is none of your business, and this goes for gay people as well. Sex is risky. Period.
The mental health issues that gay people suffer is down to their place within society. Imagine living your life with this sort of comment being directed at you and your life on a daily basis. Marriage rights and legitimising of their relationships will help mental health and will help people feel more secure in their relationships.

Susie 7 years ago

Calling people arseholes because they don't wish to vote for marriage equality is not constructive and more likely to tip them over into definitely voting no.

Laura Palmer 7 years ago

If you are against same sex marriage, you have placed yourself above your fellow countrymen.

TwinMamaManly 7 years ago

Bravo! Well said.

Rush 7 years ago

I read a great quote about SSM from Ricky Gervais a while back - "Same-sex marriage is not gay privilege, it's equal rights. Privilege would be something like gay people not paying taxes. Like churches don't." Pretty much sums it up for me!