
Did The Bachelor just give away which girl he ends up with?

Whoops. Bachelor Blake might’ve just made a big boo-boo.

Bachelor Blake just dropped a bomb that might’ve revealed who out of the final four girls he has given his final rose to. Filming of The Bachelor wrapped up months ago, so for the show’s participants, it’s proved quite a challenge trying to keep the final results a secret.

Blake told The Daily Telegraph that he’s keen to move away from his hometown of Perth, and relocate to Sydney. However, there’s only one girl left in competition for Blake’s heart that lives in Sydney.

And that’s Jess.

“I’d definitely like to come across for a visit and a bit of a look around for somewhere. It all depends. I’m definitely open to moving,” Blake said.

Blake expressed a preference for Harbour City, explaining that he couldn’t imagine himself living somewhere like Bondi, alluding to fear of being recognised. “You can’t help but be noticed (in Bondi) and I didn’t come in to it looking for fame,” he said.

But no matter where he ends up, Blake acknowledges there will be big adjustments. “People told me things would change but I didn’t imagine it would be such a big deal. I thought maybe a few people would notice me but now I can’t go grocery shopping. It’s slightly bigger than I thought it would be,” Blake said.

“Trying to grab a coffee with a mate is hard with everyone coming up. They think it’s funny. And I’m six-foot-five, dark and sound like Barry White so it’s impossible for me to be incognito,” The Bachelor went on to say.

CLICK THROUGH the gallery for pictures of the remaining women on The Bachelor Australia...

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