real life

Watch as a woman honestly confronts her partner about their break up.

If you found yourself sitting in front of your ex, right now, what would you say?

Are there answers that you always wanted? Do you think about getting back together?

In this compelling video of a couple dissecting their relationship, Ali and Andrew sit directly opposite each other, with nothing but a wooden bench to separate the awkwardness.

They confront each other’s faults, as well as the mistakes that lead to the end of their relationship. Andrew has to address his infidelity, and more importantly, the impact it has clearly had on his ex Ali, who is still visibly upset by his cheating.

“That f*****g sucks! See I’m still upset about it,” she says.

Glamour Magazine have shared a video where two people are given the opportunity to ask those questions (and more) in person. While being filmed for the benefit of others, of course. It’s cathartic and funny, and for anyone who has had a relationship end on less-than-lovely terms, it’s probably a little too familiar.

But it’s not all sad times. They couple share what they treasure about the time they had together, recounting their first meeting and fondest relationship memories.

‘There was a night where I was in the apartment,” says Ali. “And we were in kind of a rough patch, but you came over and slow danced with me and rubbed my feet.”

“You held me and you danced with me and we stayed up for a long time.”

Check out part one of Ali and Andrew below (post continues after video):

In Part Two, the former couple discuss whether or not they should date again- whether their relationship is worthy of another chance.

The video is a part of The {} And Project, a web based docu-series where couples (or exes) ask each other a series of pre-determined questions, as well as some off-the-cuff curveballs of their own invention. There’s a whole lot of honestly… and often, awkwardness.

Here is part two:

Ali’s final question for Andrew- “Why do you still want to be friends post-breakup?’

“Because I really miss you.”

Would you like the opportunity to confront your ex? What would you say?

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Top Comments

wowzA 9 years ago

getting a bit personal

DSS 9 years ago

I cried watching those. It's so sad. People make mistakes, but cheating is something that I've never been able to forgive. It's obvious from the video that he really misses her, and she is trying desperately to look like she doesn't love him anymore.