
What's the one day of the week everyone hates?







Monday is a clean, fresh page in the otherwise dog-eared exercise book of my life.

I love Mondays. The chaos of the weekend is behind me, the house is tidy, thanks to our patented Sunday evening ‘hour of power’ in which all rooms are tidied, laundry folded, uniforms laid out.

I like to cook on a Sunday afternoon, baking a banana cake and roasting a chicken for school lunches so I feel we’re ready for the week.

Also, on Mondays everybody goes somewhere, so for a few hours at least, the house is uninhabited and will remain as we left it. I can almost hear the walls sigh with relief.

I wasn’t always like this. Like so many people, I used to love a Friday. It was like a little Christmas Eve every week. The excitement in the offices where I worked was palpable. Where are you going? Who are you seeing? What are you wearing? There was no telling what might happen.

These days, I can tell you what I will be doing/seeing/wearing every single Saturday. It will involve either cricket, netball, AFL or hockey, depending on the time of year. Sometimes there’s a party, but as it will be either a 10th or a 50th birthday celebration, there’s not much chance of pashing a random in a cab queue.

Which, on balance, is a good thing.

That said, I don’t entirely dislike Fridays. At our place things do relax. We exhale. There might be take-away and baths become optional. I don’t much mind what time kids go to bed. I’m too busy watching ‘The Living Room’ and reading ‘Who’ Magazine to herd children upstairs. Who cares if a six year old nods off during her hockey game?

My least favourite day would be Tuesday.

By Tuesday my Monday shiny-new feeling has worn off. It’s clear my meal-plan has as much chance of success as peace in the Middle East and no one can find any socks.  I may well have wasted time on a Monday (what’s the hurry? It’s only Monday) so by Tuesday lunchtime a large part of the previous day’s to-do list is undone. And it’s clear I will never catch up.

What’s your favourite day of the week?





Top Comments

jop 11 years ago

Sunday -Regardless of the weather its our beach day, once upon a time that was competitive for me but now it is kids in the (hopefully) surf, an ocean plunge/swim/paddle/surf and a chat will all the beach locals before home for a bacon & egg sandwich.

Keggles 11 years ago

Hmmm, the delicious anticipation of Friday night- ducking out for a dinner with hubby then back home, change into comfy clothes and pore over real estate ads which we love! Saturday nights can be a bit "obligatory" know those "we must catch up with friends" nights that by the time the night comes around, I often can't be bothered as there's enough obligatory stuff during the week......Sundays are great but that dreaded feeling starts to kick in around mid afternoon! BTW I agree- Tuesdays are bad news!!!!