
We speak to a group of American mums that are terrified about the US election result.

Nervous. Not sleeping. Sick to their stomachs. Anxious.

Those are just some of the descriptions women gave when asked about their state of mind ahead of the 2016 presidential election outcome.

At a polling booth in New York’s East Village today, Mamamia spoke to more than a dozen American women about how they’re feeling as they wait for the ballots to be counted.

Here’s what they had to say:

“It has been such a divisive election. Certainly in women, it has brought out a lot of emotions and pain about abortion and molestation. I think almost every woman has had an experience like that. [If Trump wins,] we would have to seriously consider an alternative way of living… I’m thinking Canada.”
– Janice, 48, property manager.

“I do worry. I feel that he’s unfit. He doesn’t know enough politically; I feel he’s more of a businessman.”
– Ilana, 53, business owner.

“Today I’m feeling positive. But I’m anxious to see [an end to] the racism, misogyny, xenophobia that was stirred up.”
- Colleen, 60, photographer.

“I’m from the south, and have been able to see some concerning social media posts about the election. [I’m worried about] regression; losing respect of the rest of the world has for us.”
-Alex, 24, digital marketer.

“I am so nervous I could throw up. I’ve been sick to my stomach and I’m usually the calmest person in the room.”
- Naomi, 66, retired teacher.

“I’m hoping that Hillary will win. I’m disappointed in the whole election process. The election has just been so divisive and ugly. I feel really bad for young people who see this.”
- Rebecca, sculptor.

“I’m anxious. More than I’ve ever been, really. My four-and-a-half-year-old knows a lot about what’s going on.”
- Cristin, 39, stay-at-home mum.

“I’m very nervous, because he’s racist. He’s a scary person. If he wins, I’ll be scared and I’ll move back to Russia.”
- Anna, 31, restaurant server.

“I’m a little bit nervous. Raising a kid, there’s a lot at stake. My son is picking up a lot of the [energy around the election.]”
- Sherry, 46, professor.

“The tremendous amount of sexism, racism, misogyny and bias… drives me to the point of insanity. And I think most women know the feeling. My sons’ best friends are two brothers who are Muslim. So their introduction to Trump was the idea that Trump was going to kick their friends out of the country. It affected them viscerally.”
- Camille, 43, director of an after-school program.

“He’s an ass. He’s totally out of his mind... He says so many crazy things. He’s an irrational person. I’m worried about him having his finger near the nuclear button. He’s boasted of his aggressiveness toward his enemies.”
- Jacqueline, 65, painter.

“I feel like he’s a narcissist. I don’t feel he has any true political beliefs. He doesn’t really speak to a lot.”
- Mary, lawyer.

Mia discusses the US election with author Jodi Picoult:

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Top Comments

Anonymous 7 years ago

So he's going to give the states back their mostly archaic abortion laws. I'm guessing he probably won't be bringing in any new laws to make men keep it in their pants. We women will be as irrelevant as his wife. Which means baaaaaaaack America goes.

Mum of 2 7 years ago

America what have you done??

So this year the UK ' accidentally' voted themselves out of the EU (Brexit), and the US has accidentally voted Trump in as their president...!

Holy cow! Voter apathy has had an amazing year!

Susie 7 years ago

Voting is not compulsory in the USA and they have had more people turn up to vote in this election than in the past. So much for apathy.

Monster 7 years ago

They aren't accidents... it's democracy in action. You just don't like it because you can't handle the fact that more people have a different opinion to you...

Guest 7 years ago

Their is no accidently about it. The silent majority are having their say and it's a beautiful thing.

Guest 7 years ago

Please explain to me whats beautiful about voting for someone who opening supports and boasts about racial vilification and sexual assault?