
Tragic police discovery exposes Gold Coast mum's private torment before husband killed her.

The family of Gold Coast mother of four Teresa Bradford has spoken of their heartbreak after she was murdered by her estranged husband earlier this week.

Teresa’s brother Darren O’Brien spoke at a press conference alongside his wife Narelle and his brother Ben, telling the public Teresa was “loved by a lot of people”.

“She didn’t deserve this,” he said, 7 News reports.

The bodies of 40-year-old Teresa and her estranged husband David Bradford, 52, were found inside their Pimpama home. Police believe David broke into the property before stabbing Teresa to death and taking his own life.

He had been charged in November last year with assaulting and choking his wife, but was released on bail in early January.

Detectives found rope and gaffer tape under a bed while investigating the deaths, 7 News reports, indicating the torment Teresa was suffering behind closed doors.

Another discovery was of a photo taken in November after she was beaten her so viciously that she lost control of her bodily functions.

7 News

A close friend of Teresa said she was unaware her husband had been granted bail until it had already been approved.

"The moment she found out he had been let out, she honestly lived in fear,” Karina Mason said.

"How does someone who was facing some pretty serious charges get bail?"

Teresa's family said they would fight to ensure a similar tragedy didn't happen to anyone else.

"In honour of my sister, we will fight to get this no-bail, or some sort of ankle bracelet implemented to stop [domestic violence offenders] going near victims," Darren said.

The family has also set up a GoFundMe page to help provide for Teresa's four children, aged between eight and 17, who were home when the attack occurred.

"The children will need help and assistance throughout the coming days, months and years," the page reads.

"It is hoped that we can give some monetary assistance to them during this extremely difficult time. Please give generously to this cause and share the link to everyone that you know, thank you."

Within one day, the family has raised $9,580 of its $100,000 goal.

Friends have also started a petition, petitioning Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Attorney-General Yvette D'Ath to "review and change the way Magistrates grant bail applications to violent offenders."

"When violent and dangerous people are being granted bail, we are clearly not safe and our legal system is failing all of us!" the petition reads.

The petition has already reached 34,859 signatures.

Then on Wednesday, an immediate review into the state’s bail system was ordered.

If you or someone you know is in need of help, please call the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service on 1800 RESPECT: 1800 737 732.


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Top Comments

TwinMamaManly 7 years ago

Unacceptable. The law needs to be changed. All the talking and platitudes and empty gestures and white ribbons mean NOTHING if women continue to die at the hands of men.

Laura Palmer 7 years ago

I know. I would love to see the White Ribbon dudes actually do something that helps and have the government listen to the real issues. Like getting behind the campaign that perpetrators of these sorts of crimes get no bail. Ever, no matter how much of a "good guy" people think he is.
Honestly, how many more women have to die before there are some solid changes made, rather than just the usual lip service and "awareness" campaigns. Plus, it's very telling that the Sydney Siege moron and the Bourke St Mall loser were both perpetrators of DV. Not only can these idiots go on and murder their partners because of our stupid bail and parole laws, it is also an indication that this person might be a complete violent psychopath.

Me 7 years ago

The laws are already in place, they just need to be applied better eg more strictly.

Annie 7 years ago

I wish the media would start calling murder for what it is. Saw headline yesterday - Man commits suicide after wife killed - surely it should have read - Man kills wife then himself.

Tcb 7 years ago

He said he was going to kill her. In November he had her tied up and gagged and beaten unconscious and was going to kill her when police stopped him. Why was he seen as a good candidate for bail?

If he'd done that to someone he didn't know, I find it hard to believe he'd be bailed. Family violence is treated differently than other crimes. It shouldn't be.

Laura Palmer 7 years ago

It's is, isn't it. It still has that stigma attached to it, that the victim somehow, has some blame in their assault. I agree, I don't think he would have gotten bail if it was a stranger he did that to.

Suzanne 7 years ago

That is true. You are absolutely right.

Zepgirl 7 years ago

This is just me speculating (and I might be totally wrong here), but I wonder if it is because hurting / killing a member of one's own family is more relateable to people who are making the judgement calls when it comes to bail. I mean, we've all had moments when we get absolutely furious with a member of our own family and have a think, however vaguely, about doing them physical harm.

I might be totally off base with this thought process though, I'm just trying to fathom a reason, and reason at all as to why these horrific crimes keep happening and why these murderers are continuing to receive bail.

Laura Palmer 7 years ago

I think that you may be on to something here.