
Andrew Daddo: "You're still going to get in trouble. But we want you around to get in trouble."

Thanks to our brand partner, DrinkWise Australia

Think back to your first drink. Did you tell you parents about it?

We can bet that most of you would answer no — unequivocally. But as parents, the tables have now turned and it’s time to start having that conversation around drinking with your teens.

That was certainly the case for four of Australia’s favourite media personalities: Andrew Rochford, Brigitte Duclos, Bern Morley and Andrew Daddo.

Their no-holds-barred conversation gives us an insight into how they’re relating their own drinking experiences to their kids and on their different parenting techniques when it comes to handling that difficult discussion.

Parents — it’s a must watch, because when your kids inevitably reach this stage it helps to be prepared.

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kb3186 8 years ago

I can not believe more people are not talking about this. This is important stuff!!! Talking, Dialogue, Conversation is the key but it is starting that conversation that can be difficult especially with tricky topics like drugs, alcohol, sex and social media. We publish parent guides that are catalysts in starting the conversation. Drugs101 is a 36 page booklet packed with information on where, how and what kids could potentially be using. Talk to your kids now be for they come home 'gacked' or whacked.
I believe as parents it is our obligation to keep our kids safe.