


2013 brings the kind of emotional stability and depth you've been craving for years. Now that Saturn has finally moved out of your work and health sector for good, you will feel a great weight lift off your shoulders with the burden of daily demands and never-ending deadlines.

Now you can rightly direct your attention to the relam of relationships. Saturn has moved into your opposite constellation (Scorpio) until 2015 and promises to reveal your missing other half both within and without. Your commitments to others will deepen and you will come to realize how much you truly value your loved ones. Never again will you take any of your signifcant others for granted. Relationships are your end-all-be-all in 2013. Saturn will show you which ones are worth hanging onto and which ones you have outgrown. No longer will you tolerate relationships that only prove to be a dead-end.

The South Node of the Moon brings a series of eclipses in your sign this year, Taurus. That spells great change and letting go of any outworn attachments and stagnation across the board. Change comes hard if ever in the life of a steadfast and loyal bull, but alas this is your year to let go, let go, let go. Your life and your relationships in particular will undergo great transformation from the ground level, up.

Be prepared to tear it all down and start from ash. You are about to learn powerful lessons in how resourceful and resilient you can be when you finally relinquish your need to possess and control.

Money is always essential in the life of security-loving Taurus, but in 2013 it will take on even greater significance. You are learning how important it is to cultivate resourcefulness rather than just working yourself to the bone. Trading dollars for hours is no longer a viable working formula for you.

You've got to start tapping into your business brain so that your money makes money for you, and you can spend more time doing what you do best: creating beauty for yourself and others. You've more than paid your dues over the past few years, and you're more than ready to free up your time. You've come to learn the hard way that this is in fact your most valuable resource. You can recover most things, but time that is lost is lost forever.


Get ready for serious lessons in the world of relationships this year, Taurus. You are loyal and committed by nature, so you'll welcome this deep phase of working diligently to take your partnerships to a whole new level of intimacy. You may have to confront some fears and blocks along the way as Saturn puts your relationships through the ringer (pun intended) in order to show you what you will and will not tolerate from others.

Boundaries in love become a key theme, and you will surely have the backing and thus backbone of Saturn to stand your ground when negotiating the terms of your relationship. You're known to give more than you receive but Saturn will no longer allow you to undervalue yourself in relationships, Taurus.

You are finally learning to see and own your true value, Taurus and this will transform the quality of your love life like nothing else. You'll no longer settle for lovers or partners that do not honor, cherish and celebrate your essence. No longer will you cling to relationships for the emotional security if the other person does not truly step up to the plate and treat you the way you deserve to be treated. You have come too far and put too much investment in becoming the best Bull you can be to allow others to undermine you or worse, take you for granted.

If you've been on the fence about whether to hang in there and give it another try or finally make your exit out of an existing love affair, Saturn will give you the clarity and backbone to make the final cut if need be. You can think with your head and your heart for a change, allowing you to make healthier choices in love. If you decide to stick with it and go the long haul, you'll also have Saturn's strength to perservere and push through any obstacles.


2012 brought a breakthrough or two to your career zone and now in 2013 the restless surge continues. Now that Saturn has removed the pressure and burden from your work zone, you can no longer use the excuse of being bogged down by daily duty. This is the year to use that restless energy and take a risk to merge your passion and your work.

You have been promising yourself for years that you would break out of the comfort of the familiar to pursue something more satisfying on a soul level even if it meant sacrificing the security of a paycheck. Well now is the time, Taurus. With the south node of the Moon pushing you out of the stagnation zone and into new and passionate territory, how can you possibly remain stuck? Something infinitely more gratifying is waiting for you on the other side of your current status quo, it's just up to you to make the leap.

Jupiter will continue to bring miraculous opportunity to your financial arena until June, so take advantage of this lucky influence by expanding your current horizons. Don't be afraid to invest in yourself and a brighter future instead of always anticipating the rainy day. Jupiter thinks big and is not afraid to take risks if it means greater gains. Where do you need to take a chance in order to tap into greater freedom, success and possibility than you have allowed yourself in your work and career? Is it because you are afraid you won't make money?

Put those fears to the test before June, and you just might be pleasantly surprised. Plus, you're never one without a backup plan, or two. It's not about doing something reckless but it is about doing something deliciously daring, Taurus.

With the powerful force of the eclipse points working your sign this year, you cannot help but tap into the depths of your money-making potential. If you have any debts this is the year to pay them off so that they don't inhibit your ability to try something new in the career arena. If you feel enslaved to monthly fees, penalties or mininimum payments, how can you feel confident to take the risk that the stars are beckoning you to take in 2013? Clean up your finances as early on as possible so you can move on to exciting change without the worry.


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