
100 women were asked to describe their bodies. Their answers have one thing in common.





How would you describe your body in one word? Would you use any of the above adjectives? If you answered yes, you’re not alone. The responses above are real examples of Aussie women describing themselves.

Taryn Brumfitt, founder of the Body Image Movement, is on a mission to change that. She hopes to raise enough money to fund a documentary, Embrace, that will unite women in loving their bodies.

“Women and girls are constantly held back and lead to believe they’re not as good as they should be. Why? Because every day we feel we’re being judged on our appearance and how far away it is from an unachievable ideal,” Brumfitt says.

“Lose weight, reduce wrinkles, fight cellulite; we’re constantly told to fight a battle to be someone other than who we are.”

Take a look the video below:

If you’re keen to contribute, you can donate and find out all about it on Taryn’s Kickstarter page.

How would you describe your body in one word?

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Top Comments

Luxxe 10 years ago

I think men need to be drawn into the discussion too. Men actually feel ashamed to admit that they find fat women beautiful. The peer pressure is enormous - how many celebrity men have fat wives? It's time for men to step up and start marrying women as they are - not bleached, dieted, gymmed, botoxed into an empty ideal.

Sarah 10 years ago

Amazing and resilient! I am a size 18, cuddly, cute and grateful. I had dialysis for over 5 years a successful kidney transplant, two kids and I can do everything I need to.
I have had many thinner women admire me for my body confidence and I answer them can I not be thankful every day for my body bouncing back from each situation I have been in. Choose happiness!